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Working with RichText

The API of DHTMLX Richtext includes a basic set of methods that let you perform operations on the component. You can serialize edited text into either HTML or Markdown formats, get the number of the typed characters and enter/exit the full screen mode of the editor on the fly.

Getting content from editor

After you've entered the necessary text into the editor and formatted it to your taste, you can save the result in any of supported formats.

To save the edited text, make use of the getValue() method. The method takes an only parameter:

  • mode - (string) the format the text should be saved in: "html", "markdown" or "text" (for a plain text); "html" is used by default
// getting content in the Markdown format
var content = richtext.getValue("markdown");

Related sample: Get Value

If you are in two minds about how to add content into the RichText editor, there is the Setting Content article.


RichText editor allows you to show statistics about the edited text. There is the Statistics control in the toolbar that serves for this purpose:

Statistics control

Getting statistics

You can provide users with information about the number of characters, words and characters excluding spaces with the help of the getStats() method.

var stats = richtext.getStats();

The method returns an object with available statistical data about the text edited in the RichText editor. For example:

{chars: 467, words: 80, charsExlSpace: 393}

Related sample: Get Stats

You can also get each field of statistical data separately, as it described below.


To return the count of characters typed into the editor, use the chars property of the getStats() method:

var chars = richtext.getStats().chars;


To return the count of words typed into the editor, use the words property of the getStats() method:

var words = richtext.getStats().words;

Characters without spaces

To return the count of characters typed into the editor excluding the number of spaces, use the charsExlSpace property of the getStats() method:

var chars = richtext.getStats().charsExlSpace;

Custom statistics

It is also possible to return a value of the custom statistical parameter set via the customStats configuration option, e.g. the number of sentences. For that, use the name of the custom property as a property of the getStats() method:

var richtext = new dhx.Richtext("rich", {
customStats: [
name: "chars"
name: "words"
name: "sentences",
cb: function(text) {
var rawSentences = text.split(/[.?!]+/);
var count = 0;
for (var i=0; i<rawSentences.length; i++) {
if (rawSentences[i].length > 0) {
count += 1;
return count;
toolbarBlocks: ["default", "stats"]

// return the number of sentences typed into the editor
var sentences = richtext.getStats().sentences;

How to display statistics

Using the getStats() method you can display info on the number of entered characters in any part of your application. For example, in a separate container by a click on a button:

<button onclick="calc()" className="dhx_btn dhx_btn--flat">Characters Count</button>

The count of characters: <span id="characters-amount"></span>

function calc() {
document.getElementById('characters-amount').innerText = richtext.getStats().chars;

Related sample: Get Stats

Full screen mode

You can enter/exit the full screen mode for the Rich text editor with the help of the corresponding API methods: fullScreen() and exitFullScreen():

// enter full screen

// exit full screen

Editor API

The editor of RichText contains a set of methods that make it easy to work with text on the fly. In order to get access to the API of the editor, call the getEditorAPI() method. It returns an object with all available methods.

var EditorAPI = richtext.getEditorAPI();

The list of methods included into the object returned by the getEditorAPI() method is the following:

For example, to add a text into the RichText editor, use the following code:


Related sample: Add