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Defines the logic of displaying custom statistics

customStats?: array;

var richtext = new dhx.Richtext("richtext_container", {
customStats: [
name: "chars"
name: "words"
name: "sentences",
cb: function(text) {
var rawSentences = text.split(/[.?!]+/);
var count = 0;
for (var i=0; i<rawSentences.length; i++) {
if (rawSentences[i].length > 0) {
count += 1;
return count;
toolbarBlocks: ["default", "stats"]

Related sample: Custom stats


Each field of statistical data represents an object with two properties:

  • name - (string) the name of the field that should be displayed
  • callback - (function) a function that implements the logic of counting entries of the specified field


Defines default values of the toolbar selection controls

defaultStyles?: object;

var richtext = new dhx.Richtext("richtext_container", {
defaultStyles: {
"font-size": "14px"
"font-family": "Tahoma"

Default value:

var defaultStyles = {
"font-family": "Roboto",
"font-size": "14px",
"color": "#4D4D4D",
"background": "#FFFFFF",
"bold": false,
"italic": false,
"strike": false,
"underline": false,
"align": "left", // "left" | "center" | "right" | false

Related sample: RichText. Default styles


The working mode of the RichText editor

mode?: string;

Values: "default", "document"

var richtext = new dhx.RichText("richtext_container", { 
mode: "document"

Default value: "default"

Related sample: RichText. Modes


Specifies blocks of buttons that will be shown in the Richtext toolbar

toolbarBlocks?: array;

// default toolbar blocks
var richtext = new dhx.RichText("richtext_container", {
toolbarBlocks: ["undo", "style", "decoration", "colors", "align", "link"]

Default value: ["undo", "style", "decoration", "colors", "align", "link"]

Related sample: RichText. Initialization


Full toolbar

The full toolbar contains several more blocks: "clear", "fullscreen", and "stats":

var richtext = new dhx.RichText(document.body, {
// full toolbar
toolbarBlocks: [
"undo", "style", "decoration", "colors", "align",
"link", "clear", "stats", "fullscreen"

Related sample: RichText. Full Toolbar

Short toolbar definition

The default set of buttons can be specified via the "default" definition in the toolbarBlocks array, like this:

var richtext = new dhx.RichText(document.body, {
// full toolbar
toolbarBlocks: ["default", "clear", "stats", "fullscreen"]

Custom toolbar

It is also possible to create a custom toolbar by setting desired blocks in the random order:

var richtext = new dhx.RichText(document.body, {
toolbarBlocks: ["clear", "colors", "align", "decoration",
"undo", "fullscreen", "link"

Related sample: Toolbar Blocks