API overview
var richtext = new dhx.Richtext("richtext_container", {
- an HTML container (or the ID of an HTML container)
- an object with configuration properties (check below)
Name | Description |
destructor | releases occupied resources |
exitFullScreen | exits the full screen mode |
fullScreen | enters the full screen mode |
getEditorAPI | returns the full list of the editor API |
getValue | gets the content entered into the RichText editor |
getStats | returns statistics on the entered content |
paint | repaints RichText |
setValue | sets the provided content into the RichText editor |
Event Bus methods
Name | Description |
detach | detaches a handler from an event (which was attached before by the on() method) |
fire | triggers an inner event |
on | attaches a handler to an inner event of Vault |
Name | Description |
Action | fires on any action in the editor |
Change | fires on any change in the editor |
selectionChange | fires on change of selection by a user |
selectionRefresh | fires on automatic returning of cursor into the editor |
Name | Description |
customStats | defines the logic of displaying custom statistics |
mode | the working mode of the RichText editor |
toolbarBlocks | specifies blocks of buttons that will be shown in the Richtext toolbar |
Editor API methods
var EditorAPI = richtext.getEditorAPI();
Name | Description |
add | adds a new text into the editor |
getModel | returns the data model of the entered text in the JSON format |
getPosition | returns the position of text selection relative to the browser window |
getSelection | returns the position of text selection relative to all other text |
remove | removes a selected text |
setModel | sets a structured text with styles (a data model as JSON) for the editor |
setSelection | applies selection to the specified text position |
update | modifies the entered text |
Toolbar methods
Name | Description |
add | adds a new control to the toolbar |
remove | removes a control from the toolbar |
update | updates configuration options of the control |
Toolbar controls
Besides using the default controls of the toolbar, you can customize the toolbar by adding the following controls:
Name | Description |
Button | a simple button that can have an icon |
Custom HTML | an item that contains any custom HTML content (for example, an image, icon or other element) |
ImageButton | a button with an image |
SelectButton | a button that contains a drop-down list of options |
Separator | a horizontal (between menu options) or vertical (between toolbar controls) line separating items/groups of items from each other |
Spacer | the item takes space on the toolbar and is used for aligning controls |