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Configuring built-in themes

Configuring all themes

You may notice that CSS variables of the default theme include variables of the color scheme:

--dhx-h-primary: 200;
--dhx-s-primary: 98%;
--dhx-l-primary: 40%;

--dhx-h-secondary: 0;
--dhx-s-secondary: 0%;
--dhx-l-secondary: 30%;

--dhx-h-danger: 0;
--dhx-s-danger: 100%;
--dhx-l-danger: 60%;

--dhx-h-success: 154;
--dhx-s-success: 89%;
--dhx-l-success: 37%;

--dhx-h-background: 0;
--dhx-s-background: 0%;
--dhx-l-background: 100%;
--dhx-a-background: 0.5;

Color values are specified in the HSL format, where:

  • hue is a degree on the color wheel from 0 to 360. 0 is red, 120 is green, 240 is blue;
  • saturation is a percentage value; 0% means completely unsaturated (gray) and 100% is completely saturated;
  • lightness is a percentage value; 100% is white, 0% is black, and 50% is "normal".

Due to the use of these CSS variables, color scheme is calculated automatically. It means, that if you change some value for the variable from the color scheme in the root, values for the "contrast-light", "dark", and "contrast-dark" themes will be recalculated automatically in real time.

For instance, you can override the primary colors for all Diagram themes at once in the following way:

:root {
--dhx-h-primary: 0;
--dhx-l-primary: 30%;

In addition, values of variables, which are calculated on the base of the primary color, will be recalculated accordingly. For example, the value of the focused color is calculated as follows:

--dhx-color-focused: hsl(calc(var(--dhx-h-primary) + 10), var(--dhx-s-primary), var(--dhx-l-primary));

Configuring a separate theme

If you want to override some color values for a separate Diagram theme, you need to do this in the 'data-dhx-theme' attribute:

[data-dhx-theme='light'] {
/* border */
--dhx-border-color: #ced4da;
/* end border */

/* color scheme */
--dhx-h-primary: 210;
--dhx-s-primary: 30%;
--dhx-l-primary: 20%;

--dhx-h-secondary: 185;
--dhx-s-secondary: 5%;
--dhx-l-secondary: 50%;

--dhx-h-danger: 6;
--dhx-s-danger: 78%;
--dhx-l-danger: 57%;

--dhx-h-success: 168;
--dhx-s-success: 77%;
--dhx-l-success: 42%;

--dhx-l-background: 98%;
/* end color scheme */

const diagram = new dhx.Diagram("diagram_container", {
type: "default",


Configuring the look of shapes in Shapebar

Redefining default color schemes

You can manage the appearance of the Shapebar items by redefining the CSS variables that specify the color scheme:

  • --dhx-shapebar-item-font-color
  • --dhx-shapebar-item-background
  • --dhx-shapebar-item-border-color

The default values of these variables depend on the applied theme.

Setting custom CSS variables

It is also possible to adjust the look and feel of the Shapebar items by using your own CSS variables. For this, you should define a custom CSS variable and specify it as a value of the necessary property in the defaults configuration option.


The value of the variable will be assigned to a Shapebar item when it is selected and won't be redefined on the change of a theme.

For example:

:root {
--rectangle-fill: #428df5;
--rectangle-font-color: #002229;
[data-dhx-theme='dark'] {
--dhx-shapebar-item-font-color: #fff;
--dhx-shapebar-item-background: #002229;
--dhx-shapebar-item-border-color: #007a99;

--rectangle-fill: #f54278;
--rectangle-font-color: #002229;

<div id="editor_container" style="height: 100%"></div>

const editor = new dhx.DiagramEditor("editor_container", {
type: "default",
defaults: {
rectangle: {
fill: "var(--rectangle-fill)",
fontColor: "var(--rectangle-font-color)"
// set the dark theme
const node = document.getElementById("editor_container").childNodes[0];
dhx.setTheme("dark", node);