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Editor events overview

afterGroupMoveFires when a group or swimlane is moved one grid step
afterItemCatchFires after an item is caught
afterItemMoveFires when an item is moved one grid step
afterLineTitleMoveFires when a text element of a line is moved one grid step
afterShapeIconClickFires after clicking a control in the per-item toolbar
afterShapeMoveFires when a shape is moved one grid step
beforeGroupMoveFires before a group or swimlane is moved
beforeItemCatchFires before an item is caught
beforeItemMoveFires before an item is moved
beforeLineTitleMoveFires before a text element of a line is moved
beforeShapeIconClickFires before clicking a control in the per-item toolbar
beforeShapeMoveFires before a shape is moved
groupMoveEndFires after a group or swimlane is moved
itemMoveEndFires after an item is moved
itemTargetFires when the moved item is hovering over the target item
lineTitleMoveEndFires after a text element of a line is moved
shapeMoveEndFires after a shape is moved
shapeResizeFires after a shape has been resized
zoomInFires after the Zoom In button is clicked or the zoomIn() method is called
zoomOutFires after the Zoom Out button is clicked or the zoomOut() method is called