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Fires when a shape is moved one grid step


The event fires just for the target element despite the number of selected elements. The ids of dragged elements are provided in the batch parameter of the callback function.


"afterShapeMove": ({
id: string | number,
batch: (string | number)[],
coords: object,
event: PointerEvent,
}) => void;


The callback of the event is called with an object with the following parameters:

  • id - the id of a shape
  • batch - an array of moved elements' ids
  • coords - an object with the x and y coordinates of the shape position after movement, where:
    • x - the horizontal position of the shape, moving from left to right
    • y - the vertical position of the shape, moving from top to bottom
  • event - an event object

For handling the inner Diagram Editor events you can use the on() method.


// initializing Diagram Editor
const editor = new dhx.DiagramEditor("editor_container");
// loading data

// attaching a handler to the event"afterShapeMove", ({ id, coords }) => {
Shape ${id} is at the position:
x: ${coords.x}
y: ${coords.y}

Change log:

  • The batch parameter was added in the v6.0
  • The callback function takes an object as a parameter since v6.0
  • The id and coords parameters were added in v4.0