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Optional. An object with configuration settings for auto-placement of shapes


The autoplacement property works only in the default mode of the editor (type:"default") and only for shapes


autoplacement?: {
mode?: "direct" | "edges",
graphPadding?: number,
placeMode?: "orthogonal" | "radial"


The autoplacement object has the following parameters:

  • mode - (optional) the mode of connecting shapes, "direct" (by default) or "edges"
  • graphPadding - (optional) sets the distance between unconnected diagrams, "200" by default
  • placeMode - (optional) sets the mode of placement of shapes, "orthogonal" (by default) or "radial"

Default config

autoplacement: {
mode: "direct",
graphPadding: 200,
placeMode: "orthogonal"


const editor = new dhx.DiagramEditor("editor_container", {
autoplacement: {
graphPadding: 100,
mode: "edges",
placeMode: "radial"

Modes of connecting shapes

"direct" mode

Connector lines with no arrows are aligned "from center to center". They are straight and diagonal.

"edges" mode

Connector lines are aligned "from side to side".


To add arrows to the lines, specify forwardArrow: "filled" or backArrow: "filled" in the configuration of a line object.

The connector lines in the "edges" mode can be:

  • either straight (if you set the connectType: "straight" property of a line object)

  • or 90-degree curved (if you set the connectType: "elbow" property of a line object)

Modes of placement of shapes

"orthogonal" mode

Shapes are arranged along vertical and horizontal lines

  • "orthogonal" arrangement with lines in the "direct" mode

  • "orthogonal" arrangement with lines in the "edges" mode

"radial" mode

Shapes are arranged on imaginary circles relative to the central shape, i.e. the shape with the most connections

  • "radial" arrangement with lines in the "direct" mode

  • "radial" arrangement with lines in the "edges" mode

Change log:

  • The placeMode parameter is added in v5.0
  • The autoplacement property is added in v3.0

Related sample: Diagram. Default mode. Autoplacement