
defines whether the date specified in the 'End by' field should be exclusive or inclusive

boolean include_end_by;


scheduler.config.include_end_by = true;
scheduler.init('scheduler_here', new Date(2019, 7, 5), "week");

Default value:


The property requires the recurring extension to be enabled.

By default, the date set in the 'End by' field is exclusive.

For example, if the user specifies value '01.15.2019' in the 'End by' field then:

  • if include_end_by = false (default) - the recurring series will be finished on 01.14.2019.
  • If include_end_by = true - the recurring series will be finished on 01.15.2019.

How does the database save the dates?

All dates selected in the scheduler have the hour-minute part, meaning that the date 15.11.2021 selected in any date picker will be interpreted as 15.11.2021 00:00.

This will affect the duration of the series when you select the 'End by' in the recurring form.

For example, if the user specifies the value 15.11.2021 in the 'End by' field, then:

  • if include_end_by = false (default) - the end date of the recurring series will be saved as 15.11.2021 00:00 and the latest possible instance of the series may occur until 14.11.2021 23:59, thus the series won't have events on the selected day;
  • if include_end_by = true - the end date of the recurring series will be saved as 16.11.2021 00:00 (the midnight after the selected date), so the selected day would be included in the series duration and the last instance of the series may occur until 15.11.2021 23:59.
See also
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