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To create or, in other words, to display To Do List on the page, you need to take the following steps:

1. Include the To Do List source files on a page

2. Create two containers: one for List and another one for Toolbar

3. Initialize List and Toolbar

Include source files

Download the To Do List package and unpack it into a folder of your project.

To create To Do List, you need to include 2 source files on your page:

  • todo.js
  • todo.css

Make sure that you set correct relative paths to the source files:

<script type="text/javascript" src="./dist/todo.js"></script>  
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./dist/todo.css">

Create containers

The To Do List widget consists of two separate components: a List and a Toolbar.

Thus, create two containers to place a List and Toolbar into and give them IDs, for instance, "root" and "toolbar":

<div id="toolbar"></div> // the container for Toolbar (if you need to create To Do List with its Toolbar)
<div id="root"></div> // the container for List

Initialize To Do List

Initialize List

After that, initialize List with the new ToDo() constructor. It takes two parameters:

  • a container to place a List into. The one we have created at the previous step
  • an object with configuration properties. See the full list here
const { ToDo, Toolbar } = todo; // apply the object destructuring

// create List
const list = new ToDo("#root", {
// configuration properties

Initialize Toolbar

Next, initialize Toolbar with the new Toolbar() constructor. The constructor also takes two parameters:

  • a container to place a Toolbar into. The one we have created at the previous step
  • an object with configuration properties. See the full list here

Initialization of the Toolbar is optional. You can skip this step if you don't need the Toolbar in your application

const { ToDo, Toolbar } = todo; // apply the object destructuring

// create List
const list = new ToDo("#root", {
// configuration properties

// create Toolbar
const toolbar = new Toolbar("#toolbar", {
api: list.api

You should apply the object destructuring to "unpack" the todo global object into two variables: ToDo and Toolbar.

You don't need this step if you will use the new todo.ToDo() and new todo.Toolbar() constructors.

Loading data into To Do List

Detailed information on loading data into DHTMLX To Do is given in the Data loading article.
