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API properties overview

activeProjectOptional. The ID of the active project
dragOptional. Specifies settings for drag-n-drop
history Optional. Enables/disables managing the history of changes
idOptional. The ID of the To Do List
localeOptional. Applies the necessary locale to the component
menuOptional. Specifies the context menu visibility (if boolean) or configuration parameters (if function)
prioritiesOptional. Specifies an array of objects containing the priorities data
projectsOptional. Specifies an array of project objects to set into the list
readonlyOptional. Makes To Do List readonly
selectedOptional. An array with IDs of the tasks which need to be selected on initialization of To Do List
tagsOptional. An array of hashtags to be shown by default
tasksRequired. Specifies an array of task objects to set into the list
taskShapeOptional. An object with settings for the appearance of tasks
usersOptional. Specifies an array of objects containing the users data