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Optional. Specifies the context menu visibility (if boolean) or configuration parameters (if function)


menu?: boolean; 
// or
menu?: function(config: object);

Show or Hide Context Menu

If you want to hide the context menu, set the menu config to false. To make the default context menu visible, set the menu config to true.

menu: true // display the default context menu

// or

menu: false // hide the context menu

Modify Context Menu

If you want to modify a context menu, set the menu config to a callback that takes the config object as a parameter. The config object may have the following structure:

config: {
type: "user" | "toolbar" | "task",
id?: string | number,
source?: (string | number)[],
store: object


The config object may include the following parameters:

  • type - (required) the type of the context menu. Here you can specify one of the following values:
    • "user" - the context menu related to users
    • "toolbar" - the context menu related to toolbar
    • "task" - the context menu related to tasks
  • id - (optional | required) the ID of the project. This parameter is required if type: "toolbar"
  • source - (optional | required) the array that includes the IDs of tasks. This parameter is required if type: "task"
  • store - (required) the readonly DataStore, that should be passed to the getMenuOptions() method


The callback should return one of the following values:

  • boolean - true to display a default context menu; false to hide a context menu

  • object[] - the array of objects that store data for context menu items. Each object may have the following structure:

    id: string | number,
    icon?: string,
    label?: string,
    hotkey?: string,
    value?: Date,
    data?: object[],
    handler?: function,
    css?: string,
    type?: string
    • id - (required) the ID of the menu item

    • icon - (optional) the icon for the menu item (by default taken from the wxi font)

    • label - (optional) the text for the menu item

    • hotkey - (optional) a hotkey for the action from this menu item

    • value - (optional) the due date, valid for "datepicker"

    • data - (optional) the array of objects that store subitems of the menu item

    • handler - (optional) the handler that allows you to perform an action for a custom menu item

    • css - (optional) the css class

    • type - (optional) the menu item type. Here you can specify the following types:

      • "item" - the basic menu item
      The "item" type default structure
      type: "item",
      id: string,
      icon: string,
      label: string,
      hotkey: string,
      data: [ // if required
      // ... same objects for sub-items

      Context menu item

      • "separator" - the line for separating menu items
      The "separator" type default structure
      { type: "separator" }
      • "priority" - the menu item intended for setting priorities
      The "priority" type default structure

      By default, there are High, Medium, and Low items displayed in the submenu of the "setPriority" item.

      {   // High priority
      type: "priority",
      label: "High",
      color: "#ff5252",
      hotkey: "Alt+1",
      icon: "empty",
      id: "priority:1"
      { // Medium priority
      type: "priority",
      label: "Medium",
      color: "#ffc975",
      hotkey: "Alt+2",
      icon: "empty",
      id: "priority:2"
      { // Low priority
      type: "priority",
      label: "Low",
      color: "#0ab169",
      hotkey: "Alt+3",
      icon: "empty",
      id: "priority:3"

      Context menu item

      • "datepicker" - the menu item intended for setting dates
      The "datepicker" type default structure

      By default, the "datepicker" item displayed in the submenu of the "setDate" item.

      type: "datepicker",
      id: "dueDate", // default ID
      value: new Date(), // selected date
      state: object // readonly

      Context menu item

      • "user" - the menu item intended for assigning users to tasks
      The "user" type default structure
      type: "user",
      id: string,
      label: string,
      avatar: string, // the path to the user avatar
      color: string, // the color for the automatic avatar if the link to the picture is not provided, default color is "#0AB169"
      icon: string, // the icon displayed to the left of the avatar and marks the user as assigned
      clickable: boolean, // the value that marks the item as clickable
      checked: boolean // the value that marks the user that this option represents as assigned

      Context menu item


const { ToDo, Toolbar, getMenuOptions } = todo;

const menu = function (config) {
let options = getMenuOptions(config);

const { source, store, type } = config;
if (type === "task") {
// leaving only some of the default menu options
options = options.filter(o => {
return ( == "addSubtask" || == "setDate" || == "setPriority" || == "assign"
// adding new menu options
options.push({ type: "separator" });
type: "item",
icon: "calendar",
label: "Add current date",
id: "addDate",
handler: () => {
source.forEach(id => {
task: {
due_date: new Date()
const task = store.getTask(source[0]);
if (task.checked) {
type: "item",
icon: "undo",
label: "Mark incomplete",
id: "uncheck",
handler: () => {
} else {
type: "item",
icon: "check",
label: "Complete",
id: "check",
handler: () => {
source.forEach(id => {

return options;

new ToDo("#root", {

Change log: The menu config was added in v1.3

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