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What's new

If you are updating Event Calendar from an older version, check Migration to newer versions for details.

Version 2.2.2

Released on June 7, 2024


  • Agenda view. The "Today" column text is cut off
  • Incorrect state on select weekly recurring that is longer than 7 days
  • Month view. The hidden events are still rendered to DOM
  • Redundant calls of subscription to reactive bounds
  • The showEventInfo() method works incorrectly
  • Unable to open a popup after editing a recurring event

Version 2.2.1

Released on May 7, 2024


  • Redundant calls of subscription to reactive bounds

Version 2.2

Released on April 25, 2024

Review of release on the blog


  • Properties

    • The events property was extended by the recurringEventId, originalStartTime and status parameters
    • The config property was extended by the calendarValidation and defaultEditorValues parameters
  • Events


  • Hidden events in tne Month view are still rendered to DOM
  • Incorrect work of Weekly recurrence when editing a single event in the Month view
  • Recurring exception doesn't work if start_date is not specified
  • Recurring workdays bug
  • The config.viewControl property is set to "auto" for mobile devices
  • UI regression in the Year view

Version 2.1.10

Released on February 28, 2024


  • Broken trial build on npm server

Version 2.1.9

Released on February 28, 2024


  • All day events are displayed incorrectly in the Timeline mode
  • Broken trial build on npm server
  • Browser is crashed after double-clicking on the date in the Year view
  • Creating a recurring event causes a script error
  • Event changes are not tracked when using the Multiselect control in the editor
  • Incorrect values of STDATE and DTEND properties of recurring events after edit
  • The setConfig() method doesn't refresh calendars
  • The Info block of all day event shows incorrect time
  • Type script files are not included in package

Version 2.1.8

Released on February 14, 2024


  • Incorrect work of the "UNTIL" rule. Event Calendar skips the last instance of the series
  • The dragResize: false config shows the icon for resizing events
  • New calendars without specified colors include almost the same colors
  • When the exception in a recurring event is created, the update-event event receives an incomplete object
  • Displaying incorrect time after editing via the time picker
  • Extend localization with the meridianFormat property. Refer to the Localization guide for more information

Version 2.1.7

Released on January 23, 2024


  • Clicking on the event in the Year view causes a script error
  • Default event duration and timeStep doesn't apply on event creation
  • Recurring. Changing end_date after recurring event causes a script error
  • Single-day month events cannot be find by a css selector. Add specific classes to single-day and multievent

Version 2.1.6

Released on January 18, 2024


  • Creating a new event and clicking the empty space closes the editor
  • Deleting a recurring event via the popup info works incorrectly
  • Incorrect DTEND of recurring events
  • Incorrect popup position in the Timeline view
  • Case sensitive BYDAY component of RRULE is not compatible with Google Calendar
  • Unexpected behavior of the recurring event form in auto-save mode

Version 2.1.5

Released on November 15, 2023


  • Script error occurs on double click in Unassigned section of Timeline
  • Deleting symbols from search input doesn't update search result
  • Deleting instances of recurring series doesn't work
  • Regression in the setConfig() method introduced in v2.1.4
  • The setConfig() method doesn't store the previous state
  • Buttons on the Editor panel now have fixed position instead of static
  • Style improvements

Version 2.1.4

Released on November 3, 2023


  • A click on the navigation panel doesn't close the datepicker
  • The edit form doesn't work correctly for recurring events
  • Optimize calls of subscribe callback functions

Version 2.1.3

Released on October 31, 2023

New functionality

  • An ability to validate data entered in the edit panel fields



  • Incorrect display of events with duplicated ids. Duplicating id is not allowed
  • Content of the Timeline label stretches the column and causes incorrect position of events
  • The setLocale() method doesn't work
  • Timeline shows events that end before min-date of the time scale
  • The Today line in Agenda view is displayed on top of datepicker calendar
  • The wrong key for the Assignees label in the locale object
  • The dateTitle template doesn't work in Agenda and Year views

Version 2.1.2

Released on September 15, 2023


  • The createEvent() method was extended by the event object argument


  • Script error when calling the setConfig() or setLocale() method if the Event Calendar configuration includes templates
  • Rebuilding Event Calendar when calling the setConfig() method
  • Regression from v2.1.0 causing a script error at the Event Calendar startup if the Day/Week views in the views array lack their own configuration options
  • Event positioning issues occurs after dragging and dropping multiday events
  • Incorrect format of event ID arguments in various event handlers
  • UI animations

Version 2.1.1

Released on September 5, 2023


  • Support of server-side updates and Multiuser backend (Example)
  • An ability to import Event Calendar package as ES module

Version 2.1

Released on August 30, 2023


  • Properties

    • The config property was extended by the dateTitle, eventVerticalSpace and eventHorizontalSpace parameters
  • Style

    • New CSS animations and transitions when working with UI

Deprecated API

The eventMargin parameter of the config property was deprecated. Use the eventHorizontalSpace parameter instead


  • The info popup does not show in the readonly mode
  • The event can be created via an editor in the readonly mode
  • Script error occurs when a date is clicked in the Year view
  • The view selector width on Toolbar is 100% on any screen

Version 2.0.3

Released on March 13, 2023


  • The Agenda view issues cause script errors on the page
  • The cellCss template in the Week view works incorrectly

Version 2.0.2

Released on March 7, 2023


  • Properties

    • The config property of Event Calendar is extended by the dateClick property


  • An event is out of the month cell if the eventHeight property is set to 50 or more

Version 2.0.1

Released on February 23, 2023


  • The Repeat event control resets week days when the End by part of new event is changed
  • The Popup window of Recurring events sometimes has an incorrect position in the Agenda view
  • TypeError when the Create event button is doubleclicked

Version 2.0

Released on February 14, 2023

Review of release on the blog

New functionality

  • Timeline view
  • Recurring events
  • Custom view modes (Example)
  • Section for unassigned events in the Timeline view
  • Switching through the view modes via the toggle or dropdown controls (Example)
  • Dim past events (Example)
  • Highlight the current time using red line in the Day, Week, Agenda and Timeline view modes


  • Methods

    • The setMode() method of Event Calendar is updated
  • Properties

    • The templates property of Event Calendar is extended by the timelineSection parameter (template) (Example)

    • The editorShape property is extended by the recurring type (editor field) (Example)

    • The events property of Event Calendar is extended by the RRULE, STDATE, DTEND and recurring parameters (data fields). These parameters are bound to the recurring type of editor

    • The mode property of Event Calendar is extended by the timeline parameter (view mode). The Timeline view mode is optional and can be configured in the config.views property (Example)

    • The config property of Event Calendar is extended by the viewControl and dimPastEvents parameters (Example)

    • The config.view property of Event Calendar is fully updated. See the Migration to newer versions for details. (Example)

Version 1.1

Released on November 10, 2022

Review of release on the blog

New functionality

  • An ability to view events in the Year and Agenda modes (Example)
  • An ability to highlight the grid cells via API (Example)
  • An ability to use the multiselet and radio types of editor (Example)


  • Methods

    • The setMode() method of Event Calendar is updated
  • Properties

    • The templates property of Event Calendar is extended by the yearEvent, agendaEvent and agendaDate parameters (Example)

    • The config property of Event Calendar is extended by the cellCss parameter (Example)

    • The editorShape property is extended by the multiselect and radio types (Example)

    • The mode property of Event Calendar is extended by the year and agenda parameters (view modes)

Version 1.0

Released on September 1, 2022

Review of release on the blog

Initial functionality

  • The ability to work with events:

    • add new events in the following way:
      • by clicking on the + Create event button
      • by double clicking on the empty space
      • by clicking on the empty space and dragging the cursor down
    • show an info popup window with brief information by clicking on the event
    • edit an event via an editor by double clicking on the event or using the popup window (to open editor)
    • reschedule events by dragging them to the desired position along a time scale (calendar cell/date)
    • reschedule events by resizing them
    • delete events via an info popup or an editor
    • group events using calendars
  • The ability to work with calendars:

    • add new calendars
    • edit calendars
    • delete calendars
  • The ability to view events through the "Day", "Week" and "Month" view modes

  • Localization

  • Integration with backend

  • Cross browser compatibility

  • Touch support