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Migration to newer versions

2.0.2 -> 2.1



  • The config property was extended by the dateTitle, eventVerticalSpace and eventHorizontalSpace parameters
Before v2.1
config: {
views: [
config: {
eventMerge: "10px",
From v2.1
config: {
dateTitle: (date, [start, end]) =>
`${format(start, "do")} - ${format(end, "do")} ${format(date, "LLL")}`, // you can also specify this property for each view separately
eventVerticalSpace: 8, // you can also specify this property for the "day" | "week" | "month" | "timeline" view modes separately
views: [
config: {
// the "eventMerge" parameter was deprecated
// use the "eventHorizontalSpace" parameter instead of "eventMerge" one
eventHorizontalSpace: 10,

2.0.1 -> 2.0.2



  • The config property was extended by the dateClick parameter.
Before v2.0.2
config: {
dimPastEvents: true,
From v2.0.2
config: {
dimPastEvents: true,
dateClick: false, // or "day" | "week" | "month" | "year" | "agenda" | "timeline"

1.1 -> 2.0



  • The mode property was extended by the new mode. Starting from v2.0, you can use the timeline mode.
Before v2.0
mode: "day", // "week" | "month" | "year" | "agenda" 
From v2.0
mode: "day", // "week" | "month" | "year" | "agenda" | "timeline" | custom_view_id
  • The templates property was extended by the new template. Starting from v2.0, you can use the timelineSection template.
Before v2.0
templates: {
weekEvent: ({ event, calendar }) => {...},
monthEvent: ({ event, calendar }) => {...},
yearEvent: ({ event, calendar }) => {...},
agendaEvent: ({ event, calendar }) => {...},
agendaDate: ({ event, calendar }) => {...},
multievent: ({ event, calendar }) => {...},
header: ({ date, dateFormat }) => {...},
popup: ({ event, calendar }) => {...}
From v2.0
templates: {
weekEvent: ({ event, calendar }) => {...},
monthEvent: ({ event, calendar }) => {...},
yearEvent: ({ event, calendar }) => {...},
agendaEvent: ({ event, calendar }) => {...},
agendaDate: ({ event, calendar }) => {...},
multievent: ({ event, calendar }) => {...},
header: ({ date, dateFormat }) => {...},
popup: ({ event, calendar }) => {...},
timelineSection: (section) => {...},
  • The config property was extended by the new parameters. Starting from v2.0, you can use the viewControl and dimPastEvents parameters. The views parameter was fully updated.
Before v2.0
config: {
views: {
day: {
cellCss: (date) => {
return string;
week: { ... },
month: { ... }
From v2.0
config: {
dimPastEvents: true,
viewControl: "auto", // "toggle" | "dropdown" | "none"
views: [
id: "week",
label: "Week",
layout: "week",
config: defaultWeekConfig
id: "day",
label: "Day",
layout: "day",
config: defaultWeekConfig
id: "month",
label: "Month",
layout: "month",
config: defaultMonthConfig
id: "year",
label: "Year",
layout: "year"
id: "agenda",
label: "Agenda",
layout: "agenda"
id: "timeline",
label: "Timeline",
layout: "timeline",
config: defaultTimelineConfig
  • The editorShape property was extended by the new editor type. Starting from v2.0, you can use the recurring editor type.
Before v2.0
editorShape: [
type: "combo", // "text" | "textarea" | "multiselect" | "color" | "checkbox" | "date" | "radio" | "files"
From v2.0
editorShape: [
type: "combo", // "recurring" | "text" | "textarea" | "multiselect" | "color" | "checkbox" | "date" | "radio" | "files"
  • The events property was extended by the new fields. Starting from v2.0, you can use the RRULE, STDATE, DTEND and recurring parameters (data fields).
Before v2.0
events: [
id: "1",
type: "work",
// ...
}, {...}
// other events data
From v2.0
events: [
id: "1",
type: "work",
// ...
recurring: true,
STDATE: new Date("2023-01-27T15:00:00"),
DTEND: new Date("2023-06-27T15:00:00"),
}, {...}
// other events data


Before v2.0
setMode({ value: "day" }); // value: "day" | "week" | "month" | "year" | "agenda"
From v2.0
setMode({ value: "day" }); // value: "timeline" | "day" | "week" | "month" | "year" | "agenda" | custom_view_id

1.0 -> 1.1



  • The mode property was extended by the new modes. Starting from v1.1, you can use the year and agenda modes.
Before v1.1
mode: "day", // "week" | "month" 
From v1.1
mode: "day", // "week" | "month" | "year" | "agenda"
  • The templates property was extended by the new templates. Starting from v1.1, you can use the yearEvent, agendaEvent and agendaDate templates.
Before v1.1
templates: {
weekEvent: ({ event, calendar }) => {...},
monthEvent: ({ event, calendar }) => {...},
multievent: ({ event, calendar }) => {...},
header: ({ date, dateFormat }) => {...},
popup: ({ event, calendar }) => {...}
From v1.1
templates: {
weekEvent: ({ event, calendar }) => {...},
monthEvent: ({ event, calendar }) => {...},
yearEvent: ({ event, calendar }) => {...},
agendaEvent: ({ event, calendar }) => {...},
agendaDate: ({ event, calendar }) => {...},
multievent: ({ event, calendar }) => {...},
header: ({ date, dateFormat }) => {...},
popup: ({ event, calendar }) => {...}
  • The config property was extended by the new parameter. Starting from v1.1, you can use the cellCss parameter.
Before v1.1
config: {
views: {
day: { ... },
week: { ... },
month: { ... }
From v1.1
config: {
views: {
day: {
cellCss: (date) => {
return string;
week: { ... },
month: { ... }
  • The editorShape property was extended by the new editor types. Starting from v1.1, you can use the multiselect and radio editor types. For multiselect and combo types you can also customize options using the template parameter.
Before v1.1
editorShape: [
type: "combo",
key: "priority_key",
label: "Event priority",
options: [
{ id: 1, label: "high" },
{ id: 2, label: "medium" },
{ id: 3, label: "low" }
config: {
disabled: false,
placeholder: "Select priority"
From v1.1
editorShape: [
type: "multiselect", // or "combo"
key: "priority_key",
label: "Event priority",
options: [
{ id: 1, label: "high" },
{ id: 2, label: "medium" },
{ id: 3, label: "low" }
config: {
disabled: false,
placeholder: "Select priority"
template: (option) => {
return `<div className="multiselect-wraper">
<img src=${option.avatar} alt="" className="multieselectOption-img" />
${option.label} </div>`
type: "radio",
key: "priority",
label: "Priority",
options: [
{ id: 1, label: "High" },
{ id: 2, label: "Medium" },
{ id: 3, label: "Low" }


Before v1.1
setMode({ value: "day" }); // value: "day" | "week" | "month" 
From v1.1
setMode({ value: "day" }); // value: "day" | "week" | "month" | "year" | "agenda"