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Methods of Toolbar

You can use the following Toolbar methods of Suite 8:

disable()Disables and dims an item(s) of Toolbar
enable()Enables a disabled item(s) of Toolbar
getSelected()Returns an array with IDs of selected items
getState()Gets current values/states of controls
hide()Hides an item of Toolbar
isDisabled()Checks whether an item of Toolbar is disabled
isSelected()Checks whether a specified Toolbar item is selected
paint()Repaints Toolbar on a page
select()Selects a specified item of Toolbar
setFocus()Sets focus on an Input control by its ID
setState()Sets values/states of controls
show()Shows an item of Toolbar
unselect()Unselects a selected Toolbar item
const editor = new dhx.DiagramEditor("editor_container", {
type: "default",
view: {
toolbar: true
// disables the "file" item
// disables "file" and "scale" items
editor.toolbar.disable(["$file", "$scale"]);
// disables all items