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Optional. An array with controls displayed on Toolbar of Diagram Editor


items?: (object | string)[];

Configuring items via strings

The items property allows you to specify Service elements as an array of strings:

items: [ "file", "edit", "view", "arrange", "spacer", "scale" ];

The full list of service elements you can see here.

Configuring items via objects

The items property allows you to specify Service elements and Base elements as an array of objects:

items: [ 
type: string,
id?: string,
value?: string,
hotkey?: string,
icon?: string,
hidden?: boolean,
disabled?: boolean,
css?: string | string[],
items?: (string | object)[],
checkIcon?: (editor: object) => string,
handler?: (editor: object, event: Event) => void
}, {...}


For all service elements, excluding separator / spacer / scale, you can specify an object with the following parameters:

  • type - (required) - the type of a service element. The full list of service element types you can see here
  • id - (optional) - the ID of a service element. By default, the ID of a service element includes $ and the type of the service element: $file
  • value - (optional) - the label of a service element
  • hotkey - (optional) - the hot key combination label of a service element
  • icon - (optional) - the css class of a service element icon
  • hidden - (optional) - hides a service element
  • disabled - (optional) - disables a service element
  • css - (optional) - applies a custom css class to a service element
  • items - (optional) - defines the structure of the child elements
  • checkIcon - (optional) - the handler that returns the icon css class. It is called with the following argument:
    • editor - the Diagram Editor object
  • handler - (optional) - the handler that runs when the click or inputChange events occurs. It is called with the following arguments:

Example 1

The example below shows how to configure Toolbar items via strings:

// Configuring items via strings
const editor = new dhx.DiagramEditor("editor_container", {
type: "default",
view: {
// toolbar: true, // displays default Toolbar
// or configure Toolbar via object
toolbar: {
css: "custom_css",
navigationType: "pointer",
items: [

Example 2

The example below shows how to configure Toolbar items via objects:

const editor = new dhx.DiagramEditor("editor_container", {
type: "default",
view: {
toolbar: {
css: "custom_css",
navigationType: "pointer",
items: [
type: "file",
items: [
type: "exportJson",
value: "Export to JSON"
id: "custom_id_1",
type: "menuItem",
value: "Server export",
icon: "dxi dxi-vault",
items: [
id: "custom_id_2",
type: "menuItem",
value: "PNG",
handler: editor => {
// custom logic here

Change log: Added in v6.0

Related articles: Toolbar configuration

Related sample: Diagram Editor. Default mode. Customization of toolbar. Added search by shapes