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Toolbar is a top part of Diagram Editor that helps users to control the editing process.

To configure the Toolbar you can use the following properties:

  • css - applies the custom CSS class

  • navigationType - defines the action that activates a Toolbar item. You can specify one of the following actions:

    • "click" - activates a Toolbar item when a user clicks on it
    • "pointer" - activates a Toolbar item when a user hovers the mouse pointer over it
  • items - the array of items (controls) arranged on Toolbar. There are 2 ways how to configure Toolbar items:

const editor = new dhx.DiagramEditor("editor_container", {
type: "default",
view: {
// toolbar: true, // displays default Toolbar
// or configure Toolbar via object
toolbar: {
css: "custom_css",
navigationType: "pointer",
items: [
type: "file",
items: [
type: "exportJson",
value: "Export to JSON"
id: "custom_id_1",
type: "menuItem",
value: "Server export",
icon: "dxi dxi-vault",
items: [
id: "custom_id_2",
type: "menuItem",
value: "PNG",
handler: editor => {
// custom logic here

Service elements

Toolbar items are represented by service elements. You can use and configure the following service elements:

  • file - forms a group of service elements for importing and exporting files


    The file item has the following structure:

    - file
    - importJson
    - export
    - exportJson
    - exportPdf
    - exportPng

    The file collection of items looks in the following way:

  • importJson - opens a dialog box to import a file in the JSON format

  • export - forms a group of service elements for exporting a file in the selected format


    The export item has the following structure:

    - export
    - exportJson
    - exportPdf
    - exportPng
  • exportJson - exports a file in the JSON format

  • exportPdf - exports a file in the PDF format

  • exportPng - exports a file in the PNG format

  • edit - forms a group of service elements for managing and editing shapes, lines, groups, and swimlanes


    In the default mode the edit collection of items has the following default structure:

    - edit
    - undo
    - redo
    - separator
    - duplicate
    - copy
    - paste
    - separator
    - copyStyle
    - pasteStyle
    - separator
    - selectAll
    - selectNone

    In the org/mindmap modes the edit collection of items has the following default structure:

    - edit
    - undo
    - redo
    - separator
    - copyStyle
    - pasteStyle
    - separator
    - selectAll
    - selectNone

  • undo - takes a step back in the history of changes

  • redo - takes a step forward in the history of changes

  • duplicate - duplicates selected elements

  • copy - copies selected files to the model object

  • paste - pastes copied files from the model object

  • copyStyle - copies the selected element styles to the model object

  • pasteStyle - applies styles stored in the model object to the selected elements

  • selectAll - selects all the elements available for selection

  • selectNone - deselects all the available items

  • view - forms a group of service elements for managing view of Diagram Editor elements


    In the default mode the view collection of items has the following default structure:

    - view
    - theme
    - themeLight
    - themeDark
    - themeLightContrast
    - themeDarkContrast
    - separator
    - shapebar
    - editbar
    - grid
    - separator
    - connectionPoints
    - resizePoints
    - magnetic
    - separator
    - zoomIn
    - zoomOut

    In the org/mindmap modes the view collection of items has the following default structure:

    - view
    - theme
    - themeLight
    - themeDark
    - themeLightContrast
    - themeDarkContrast
    - separator
    - editbar
    - separator
    - grid
    - separator
    - resizePoints
    - itemsDraggable
    - separator
    - zoomIn
    - zoomOut

  • theme - forms a group of service elements for applying themes


    The theme item has the following structure:

    - theme
    - themeLight
    - themeDark
    - themeLightContrast
    - themeDarkContrast
  • themeLight - applies the Light theme

  • themeDark - applies the Dark theme

  • themeLightContrast - applies the LightContrast theme

  • themeDarkContrast - applies the DarkContrast theme

  • shapebar - shows/hides the Shapebar panel

  • editbar - shows/hides the Editbar panel

  • grid - shows/hides the grid on the Grid area

  • connectionPoints - shows/hides the connection points

  • resizePoints - shows/hides the resize points

  • magnetic - turns on/of the magnetic functionality

  • zoomIn - decreases the scale value by 0.05 (5%)

  • zoomOut - increases the scale value by 0.05 (5%)

  • arrange - forms a group of service elements for arranging Diagram Editor elements


    In the default mode the arrange collection of items has the following default structure:

    - arrange
    - layout
    - layoutMode
    - layoutModeDirect
    - layoutModeEdges
    - separator
    - layoutOrthogonal
    - layoutRadial
    - align
    - alignHorizontalLeft
    - alignHorizontalCenter
    - alignHorizontalRight
    - separator
    - alignVerticalTop
    - alignVerticalCenter
    - alignVerticalBottom
    - distribute
    - distributeVertical
    - distributeHorizontal

  • layout - forms a group of service elements to autoplace Diagram Editor elements


    The layout item has the following structure:

    - layout
    - layoutMode
    - layoutModeDirect
    - layoutModeEdges
    - separator
    - layoutOrthogonal
    - layoutRadial
  • layoutMode - forms a group of service elements for managing the autoplacement mode


    The layoutMode item has the following structure:

    - layoutMode
    - layoutModeDirect
    - layoutModeEdges
  • layoutModeDirect - applies the direct mode of the element connectors

  • layoutModeEdges - applies the edges mode of the element connectors

  • layoutOrthogonal - applies the orthogonal mode of the element arrangement

  • layoutRadial - applies the radial mode of the element arrangement

  • align - forms a group of service elements for managing alignment of the Diagram Editor elements


    The align item has the following structure:

    - align
    - alignHorizontalLeft
    - alignHorizontalCenter
    - alignHorizontalRight
    - separator
    - alignVerticalTop
    - alignVerticalCenter
    - alignVerticalBottom
  • alignHorizontalLeft - aligns elements horizontally on the left

  • alignHorizontalCenter - aligns elements horizontally in the center

  • alignHorizontalRight - aligns elements horizontally on the right

  • alignVerticalTop - aligns elements vertically at the top

  • alignVerticalCenter - aligns elements vertically in the center

  • alignVerticalBottom - aligns elements vertically at the bottom

  • distribute - forms a group of service elements for distributing of the Diagram Editor elements


    The distribute item has the following structure:

    - distribute
    - distributeVertical
    - distributeHorizontal
  • distributeVertical - distributes elements vertically

  • distributeHorizontal - distributes elements horizontally

  • scale - the control that allows users to increase or decrease the scale value by 0.05 (5%)


    The scale item looks in the following way:

  • separator - a horizontal (between menu options) or vertical (between toolbar controls) line separating items/groups of items from each other.

  • spacer - a space on the toolbar used for aligning controls

Base elements

Besides Service elements, you can also specify and configure the following Base elements using the object approach:

The example below shows how to add the Button control to the Toolbar:

const editor = new dhx.DiagramEditor("editor_container", {
type: "org", // "default" | "org" | "mindmap"
view: {
// toolbar: true, // displays default Toolbar
// or configure Toolbar via object
toolbar: {
items: [
type: "button",
value: "Best button"

In addition to the inner properties of base elements (excluding Separator, Spacer and Title) you can also use the following properties:

  • checkIcon - (optional) - the handler that returns the icon css class. It is called with the following argument:
    • editor - the Diagram Editor object
checkIcon?: (editor: IDiagramEditor) => string; // Use only for base elements that contain icon
  • handler - (optional) - the handler that runs when the click or inputChange event occurs. It is called with the following arguments:
handler?: (editor: object, event: Event) => void;

Related sample: Diagram with Editor. Default mode. Customization of cards, editbar, toolbar and shapebar