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It is possible to localize the interface of the Diagram editor into a desired language. For this, you need to provide the corresponding locale settings via the dhx.i18n.setLocale() method. The method takes two parameters: the diagram container and an object that contains rules of localization for a particular country.

//an example of English locale
const en = {
addColumnLast: "Add column",
addLeftShape: "Add left shape",
addLineTitle: "Add title",
addRightShape: "Add right shape",
addRowLast: "Add row",
addShape: "Add shape",
alignHorizontalCenter: "Align horizontal center",
alignHorizontalDistribution: "Distribute horizontal spacing",
alignHorizontalLeft: "Align left",
alignHorizontalRight: "Align right",
alignVerticalBottom: "Align bottom",
alignVerticalDistribution: "Distribute vertical spacing",
alignVerticalMiddle: "Align vertical center",
alignVerticalTop: "Align top",
connect: "Connect",
copy: "Duplicate",
lineTitleAutoPositionDisable: "Disable title auto position",
lineTitleAutoPositionEnable: "Enable title auto position",
menu: "Menu",
menuAddAssistant: "Add assistant",
menuAddColumnLeft: "Add column left",
menuAddColumnRight: "Add column right",
menuAddPartner: "Add partner",
menuAddRowDown: "Add row down",
menuAddRowUp: "Add row up",
menuAlignChildrenHorizontally: "Align children horizontally",
menuAlignChildrenVertically: "Align children vertically",
menuDelete: "Delete",
menuDeleteCol: "Delete column",
menuDeleteRow: "Delete row",
menuMoveColumnLeft: "Move column left",
menuMoveColumnRight: "Move column right",
menuMoveRowDown: "Move row down",
menuMoveRowUp: "Move row up",
remove: "Delete",
removePoint: "Delete point",
text: "Text",
shapebar: {
shapeSections: "Shapes",
groupSections: "Groups",
swimlaneSections: "Swimlanes",
group: "Group",
swimlaneCols: "Swimlane cols",
swimlaneRows: "Swimlane rows",
swimlaneMix: "Swimlane mix",
untitled: "Untitled",
editbar: {
arrange: "Arrange",
border: "Border",
fill: "Fill",
gridStep: "Grid step",
header: "Header",
headerColor: "Header color",
headerPosition: "Position",
image: "Image",
lineShape: "Line shape",
lineStyle: "Line style",
pointerView: "Pointer view",
positionOffset: "Position offset",
size: "Size",
subheaderCols: "Subheader for columns",
subheaderRows: "Subheader for rows",
text: "Text",
textAlignment: "Text alignment",
textStyle: "Text style",
title: "Title"
toolbar: {
align: "Align",
alignHorizontalCenter: "Horizontal center",
alignHorizontalLeft: "Left",
alignHorizontalRight: "Right",
alignVerticalBottom: "Bottom",
alignVerticalCenter: "Vertical center",
alignVerticalTop: "Top",
arrange: "Arrange",
connectionPoints: "Connection points",
copy: "Copy",
copyStyle: "Copy style",
distribute: "Distribute",
distributeHorizontal: "Horizontal",
distributeVertical: "Vertical",
duplicate: "Duplicate",
edit: "Edit",
editbar: "Edit bar",
export: "Export as",
exportJson: "JSON",
exportPdf: "PDF",
exportPng: "PNG",
file: "File",
grid: "Grid",
gridStep: "Grid step",
importJson: "Import from JSON",
itemsDraggable: "Draggable items",
layout: "Auto layout",
layoutMode: "Placement mode",
layoutModeDirect: "Direct",
layoutModeEdges: "Edges",
layoutOrthogonal: "Orthogonal",
layoutRadial: "Radial",
magnetic: "Magnetic",
paste: "Paste",
pasteStyle: "Paste style",
redo: "Redo",
resizePoints: "Resize points",
selectAll: "Select all",
selectNone: "Select none",
shapebar: "Shape bar",
theme: "Theme",
themeDark: "Dark",
themeDarkContrast: "Dark contrast",
themeLight: "Light",
themeLightContrast: "Light contrast",
undo: "Undo",
view: "View",
zoomIn: "Zoom in",
zoomOut: "Zoom out"
hotkey: {
"Alt+1": "Alt+1",
"Alt+2": "Alt+2",
"Alt+3": "Alt+3",

"Ctrl+Z": "Ctrl+Z",
"Ctrl+Shift+Z": "Ctrl+Shift+Z",
"Ctrl+D": "Ctrl+D",
"Ctrl+C": "Ctrl+C",
"Ctrl+V": "Ctrl+V",
"Ctrl+Alt+C": "Ctrl+Alt+C",
"Ctrl+Alt+V": "Ctrl+Alt+V",
"Ctrl+A": "Ctrl+A",
"Ctrl+Shift+A": "Ctrl+Shift+A",
"Ctrl+Mousewheel": "Ctrl+Mousewheel",

"CMD+Z": "CMD+Z",
"CMD+Shift+Z": "CMD+Shift+Z",
"CMD+D": "CMD+D",
"CMD+C": "CMD+C",
"CMD+V": "CMD+V",
"CMD+Alt+C": "CMD+Alt+C",
"CMD+Alt+V": "CMD+Alt+V",
"CMD+A": "CMD+A",
"CMD+Shift+A": "CMD+Shift+A",
"CMD+Mousewheel": "CMD+Mousewheel"

dhx.i18n.setLocale("diagram", locale);

After that, you need to initialize the editor and check how the labels' names have changed.

const editor = new dhx.DiagramEditor("editor_container", {
type: "default" // "default" | "org" | "mindmap"
// other config options

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