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Diagram initialization

In this article we will discuss the stages of adding DHTMLX Diagram on a page. This process presupposes several simple steps:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="text/javascript" src="codebase/diagram.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="codebase/diagram.css">

<div id="diagram_container"></div>
// preparing diagram data
const data = [
{ id: 1, x: 100, y: 40, text: "Start", type: "start", height: 50 },
{ id: 2, x: 100, y: 170, text: "Operation 1", type: "output" },
{ id: 3, x: 100, y: 300, text: "Operation 2", type: "input" },
{ from: 1, to: 2 },
{ from: 2, to: 3 }
// more objects

// creating DHTMLX Diagram
const diagram = new dhx.Diagram("diagram_container", {
// config options

// loading data into the diagram;

Including required code files

To create Diagram, you need to include 2 source files on your page:

  • diagram.js
  • diagram.css

Make sure that you set correct relative paths to these files:

<script type="text/javascript" src="../codebase/diagram.js"></script>	
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../codebase/diagram.css">

The structure of DHTMLX Diagram package is the following:

  • sources - the source code files of the library. The files are not minified and easy-to-read. The package is mostly intended to be used for component's debugging

Note that the Trial version of the Diagram library doesn't contain the sources folder.

  • samples - the code samples
  • codebase - the packed code files of the library. These files are much smaller and intended for use in production

In your apps you need to use files from the codebase folder

Initializing Diagram

You can initialize a Diagram in a container, in the document body, or in a layout cell.

Initialization in a container

To initialize a diagram in a container, use the dhx.Diagram constructor and pass the following two parameters to the constructor function:

  • a container to place a Diagram into, let's give it the "diagram_container" id:
<div id="diagram_container"></div>
  • an object with the configuration properties. If this argument is not passed to the constructor, the default settings will be applied
const diagram = new dhx.Diagram("diagram_container", {
type: "default" // "default" | "org" | "mindmap"

Initialization in the document body

It is possible to skip setting a container for Diagram and to add it right into the document's body:

const diagram = new dhx.Diagram(document.body, {
type: "default" // "default" | "org" | "mindmap"

Initialization in a layout cell

You can also initialize a diagram inside a Layout cell. In this case use null instead of a container:

const diagram = new dhx.Diagram(null, {
type: "default" // "default" | "org" | "mindmap"
const layout = new dhx.Layout("layout", {
cols: [
id: "diagram"


Configuration properties

To change the configuration of a diagram, you can specify the desired property in the config object passed as a second parameter of the constructor function.

const diagram = new dhx.Diagram("diagram_container", {
scale: 0.7,
// other config options

See the full list of configuration properties of Diagram.

Related sample: Diagram Editor. Default mode. Wide flowchart

Alternatively, you can get access to some option and set/modify its value via the diagram config object. Don't forget to call the paint() method to re-render the diagram with a new configuration:

const diagram = new dhx.Diagram("diagram_container");;

diagram.config.scale = 0.7;

Loading data into Diagram

Detailed information on loading data into DHTMLX Diagram is given in the Loading and Storing Data article.