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Migration to newer versions

1.1 -> 1.2

The taskShape property of To do list was updated in the following way:

Before v1.2
taskShape: {
counter: { ... },
date: { ... },
completed: { ... },
From v1.2
taskShape: {
counter: { ... },
date: { ... },
completed: { ... },
priority: {
cover: true,
label: true

The tasks property of To do list was updated in the following way:

Before v1.2
tasks: [
id: ...,
parent: ...,
project: ...,
}, { ... }
From v1.2
tasks: [
id: ...,
parent: ...,
project: ...,
priority: 1,
}, { ... }

1.0 -> 1.1

In the version 1.1 the selectable parameter of the taskShape property is renamed to completed. Besides, the parameter is extended by the new taskHide option.

Before v1.1
taskShape: {
selectable: {
behavior: "manual"
From v1.1
taskShape: {
completed: {
behavior: "manual",
taskHide: true