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Integration with Vue


You should be familiar with the basic concepts and patterns of Vue before reading this documentation. To refresh your knowledge, please refer to the Vue 3 documentation.

DHTMLX Event Calendar is compatible with Vue. We have prepared code examples on how to use DHTMLX Event Calendar with Vue 3. For more information, refer to the corresponding Example on GitHub.

Creating a project


Before you start to create a new project, install Node.js.

To create a Vue project, run the following command:

npm create vue@latest

This command installs and executes create-vue, the official Vue project scaffolding tool. Check the details in the Vue.js Quick Start.

Let's name the project as my-vue-event-calendar-app.

Installation of dependencies

Go to the app directory:

cd my-vue-event-calendar-app

Install dependencies and start the dev server. For this, use a package manager:

  • if you use yarn, run the following commands:
yarn install
yarn dev
  • if you use npm, run the following commands:
npm install
npm run dev

The app should run on a localhost (for instance http://localhost:3000).

Creating Event Calendar

Now you should get the DHTMLX Event Calendar code. First of all, stop the app and proceed with installing the Event Calendar package.

Step 1. Package installation

Download the trial Event Calendar package and follow steps mentioned in the README file. Note that trial Event Calendar is available 30 days only.

Step 2. Component creation

Now you need to create a Vue component, to add a Event Calendar into the application. Create a new file in the src/components/ directory and name it EventCalendarComponent.

Importing source files

Open the EventCalendarComponent.vue file and import Event Calendar source files. Note that:

  • if you use PRO version and install the Event Calendar package from a local folder, the import paths look like this:
import { EventCalendar } from 'dhx-eventcalendar-package';
import 'dhx-eventcalendar-package/dist/event-calendar.css';

Note that depending on the used package, the source files can be minified. In this case make sure that you are importing the CSS file as event-calendar.min.css.

  • if you use the trial version of Event Calendar, specify the following paths:
import { EventCalendar } from '@dhx/trial-eventcalendar';
import '@dhx/trial-eventcalendar/dist/event-calendar.css';

In this tutorial you can see how to configure the trial version of Event Calendar.

Setting the container and adding Event Calendar

To display Event Calendar on the page, you need to set the container to render the component inside. Check the code below:

import { EventCalendar } from "@dhx/trial-eventcalendar";
import "@dhx/trial-eventcalendar/dist/event-calendar.css";

<div ref="container" style="width: 100%; height: 100%; "></div>

Then you need to render Event Calendar in the container. Use the new EventCalendar() constructor inside the mounted() method of Vue to initialize Event Calendar inside of the container:

// ...
export default {
mounted: function() {
this.calendar = new EventCalendar(this.$refs.container, {});

<div ref="container" style="width: 100%; height: 100%; "></div>

To clear the component as it has unmounted, use the calendar.destructor() method and remove the container inside the unmounted() method of Vue.js, as follows:

export default {
mounted: function() {
this.calendar = new EventCalendar(this.$refs.container, {});

unmounted() {
this.$refs.container.innerHTML = "";

<div ref="container" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;"></div>

Loading data

To add data into the Event Calendar, you need to provide a data set. You can create the data.js file in the src/ directory and add some data into it:

export function getData() {
return [
id: '27',
type: 'work',
start_date: new Date('2024-06-10T14:00:00'),
end_date: new Date('2024-06-10T18:30:00'),
text: ' Olympiastadion - Berlin ',
details: ' Berlin, GER '
id: '28',
type: 'rest',
start_date: new Date('2024-06-12T14:00:00'),
end_date: new Date('2024-06-12T16:00:00'),
text: ' Commerz Bank Arena ',
details: ' Frankfurt, GER '
id: '29',
type: 'meeting',
start_date: new Date('2024-06-13T11:00:00'),
end_date: new Date('2024-06-13T16:00:00'),
text: ' Olympic Stadium - Munich ',
details: ' Munich, GER '

Then open the App.vue file, import data, and initialize it via the inner data() method. After this you can pass data into the new created <EventCalendar/> components as props:

// ...
import { getData } from "./data";

export default {
// ...
data() {
return {
records: getData(),
date: new Date(2024, 5, 10)

<EventCalendar :events="records" :date="date" />

Open the EventCalendarComponent.vue file and apply the passed props to the Event Calendar configuration object:

export default {
props: ["events", "date"],

mounted() {
this.calendar = new EventCalendar(this.$refs.container, {

You can also use the parse() method inside the mounted() method of Vue to load data into Event Calendar:

export default {
props: ["events", "date"],

mounted() {
this.calendar = new EventCalendar(this.$refs.cont, {});
this.calendar.parse({ events:, date: });

Now the Event Calendar component is ready. When the element will be added to the page, it will initialize the Event Calendar object with data. You can provide necessary configuration settings as well. Visit our Event Calendar API docs to check the full list of available properties.

Handling events

When a user makes some action in the Event Calendar, it invokes an event. You can use these events to detect the action and run the desired code for it. See the full list of events.

Open EventCalendarComponent.vue and complete the mounted() method:

export default {
// ...
mounted() {
this.calendar = new EventCalendar(this.$refs.cont, {});"add-event", (obj) => {

Step 3. Adding Event Calendar into the app

To add the component into the app, open the App.vue file and replace the default code with the following one:

import EventCalendar from "./components/EventCalendarComponent.vue";
import { getData } from "./data";

export default {
components: { EventCalendar },
data() {
return {
events: getData(),
date: new Date(2024, 5, 10)

<EventCalendar :events="records" :date="date" />

After that, you can start the app to see Event Calendar loaded with data on a page.

Event Calendar initialization

Now you know how to integrate DHTMLX Event Calendar with Vue. You can customize the code according to your specific requirements. The final example you can find on GitHub.