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Optional. A set of configurations that defines one or several custom controls


The controls property allows you to create custom Editbar controls based on Basic controls and/or Complex controls. Use the properties property to apply the custom control(s) to the needed elements (shapes, groups, swimlanes, etc.).

Refer to the Editbar configuration guide for more information about configuring!


We do not recommend you to redefine default controls when creating a custom control. Use individual name for each custom control!


controls?: {
[type: string]: object, // custom control


controls: {
estimate: { /*...*/ }, // create new "estimate" control with custom configurations
// another control


const editor = new dhx.DiagramEditor("editor_container", {
type: "org",
view: {
// editbar: true, // displays default Editbar
// or configure Editbar via object
editbar: {
css: "custom_css",
show: true,
width: 300,
properties: {
$shape: [
{ type: "estimate" }, // apply the "estimate" custom control
{ type: "name" } // apply the "name" custom control
controls: {
// create the "estimate" custom control
estimate: {
type: "fieldset",
label: "Time estimate",
rows: [
{ type: "datepicker", key: "date_start", label: "Date start" },
{ type: "datepicker", key: "date_end", label: "Date end" }
// create the "name" custom control
name: { type: "input", label: "Name", key: "name" }

Change log: The property was added in v6.0

Related article: Editbar configuration

Related sample: Diagram Editor. Default mode. PERT сhart with the legend