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Optional. Allows applying a template to a card's left block

The property specifies the HTML structure and layout of each card's block (the left side of each card). It means you can manage which fields are displayed, how they are arranged, and how they look.


You can also specify which fields to display using the cardShape property


cardTemplate?: ({item: obj}) => string;


cardTemplate expects a function that takes a card object as input and returns a string of HTML that defines how the card should look.


In the example below we create a function that takes the card object and returns HTML for a card that includes a preview image (card.preview), category (card.category), title (card.title), and price (card.price). You need to create your own HTML template to be applied to a card and import the template helper. Then pass the function into the Booking configuration by assigning the function to the cardTemplate property.

.custom-preview {
display: flex;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
gap: 30px;

.preview-left {
width: auto;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
gap: 4px;
/* other styles */

const { Booking, template } = booking; //import template helper

function cardPreviewTemplate({ card }) {
return `
<div class="custom-preview" data-action="preview-click">
<div class="preview-left">
style="background-image: url(${card.preview})"
<!-- <div class="card-photo-empty" /> -->

<div class="preview-right">
<div class="category">${card.category}</div>
<div class="title">${card.title}</div>
<div class="price">${card.price}</div>

const widget = new Booking("#root", {
cardTemplate: template(card => cardPreviewTemplate(card)), // pass the function to Booking configuration
// other parameters

The snippet below demonstrates how to apply a template to the left block of a card:

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