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PUT /tasks


Updates data on the specified task(s) and returns an empty json object

The route handles the PUT request made to the /tasks/{id} path.

HTTP methodRouteQuery parameter

Query parameters

The query parameter that is sent in the request line:

idnumberRequired. The ID of the task to be updated.


The server needs to receive a json object with all task properties (both unchanged and new/modified).


"text": "You can assign task performers and due dates using the menu.",
"checked": true,
"due_date": "2033-03-08T21:00:00Z",
"creation_date": "2022-10-31T13:35:10.941583462+03:00",
"project": 1,
"assigned": [1, 2, 3, 4],
"completion_date": "2022-10-31T10:45:20.142Z",
"parent": 1,

You can find another example of the task object in the tasks section.

To update multiple tasks with one request, you should add an array of tasks objects with necessary changes to the batch object in the request body.
In this case the task ID in the request line is also mandatory with all task parameters that precede the batch object in the request body.


"text": "Greetings, everyone! 👋 \nI'm DHTMLX To Do List.",
"checked": false,
"creation_date": "2022-10-31T13:35:10.941342305+03:00",
"project": 1,
"due_date": "2022-10-07T21:00:00.000Z",
"parent": 0,
"batch": [
"text": "Select this task and then press Enter to create the task below 👇",
"checked": false,
"creation_date": "2022-10-31T13:35:10.941583979+03:00",
"project": 1,
"due_date": "2022-10-07T21:00:00.000Z",
"parent": 0
"text": "If you press Tab, this task will become a subtask. To edit it, press Ctrl (Cmd) + Enter.",
"checked": false,
"creation_date": "2022-10-31T13:35:10.941644198+03:00",
"project": 1,
"assigned": [4],
"due_date": "2022-10-07T21:00:00.000Z",
"parent": 0


In case of the success status, an empty json object is returned back.

The HTTP status code shows whether the request succeeds (response.status == 200) or fails (response.status == 500).

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