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Optional. Configures the look of the Pivot table


tableShape?: {
templates?: {
[field: string]: (
value: any,
operation: string
) => any;
totalRow?: boolean | "sumOnly",
totalColumn?: boolean | "sumOnly",
marks?: {
[cssClass: string]: ((v: any, columnData: any, rowData: any) => boolean)
| "max"
| "min"
sizes?: {
rowHeight?: number,
headerHeight?: number,
colWidth?: number,
footerHeight?: number
cleanRows?: boolean,
split?: {
left?: boolean


  • templates - (optional) allows setting templates to a cell; it's an object where:
    • each key is a field id
    • the value is a function that returns a string and receives cell value and operation All columns based on the specified field will have the related template applied. For example, it allows setting the units of measurement or returning the required number of digits after the decimal point for numeric values, etc. See the example below.
  • marks - (optional) allows marking a cell with the required values; it's an object where keys are CSS class names and values are either a function or one of the predefined strings ("max", "min"). The default value is . The function should return boolean for the checked value; if true is returned, the css class is assigned to the cell. More information with examples see here Marking cells.
  • sizes - (optional) defines the following size parameters of the table:
    • rowHeight - (optional) the row height in the Pivot table in pixels; the default value is 34
    • headerHeight - (optional) the header height in pixels; the default value is 30
    • footerHeight - (optional) the footer height in pixels; the default value is 30
    • colWidth - (optional) the column width in pixels; the default value is 150
  • tree - (optional) if set to true, enables the tree mode when data can be presented with expandable rows; the default value is false; more information with examples see here Switching to the tree mode
  • totalColumn - (optional) if true, enables generating the total column with total values for rows (false is set by default); if the value is set to "sumOnly", the column with the total sum value will be generated (available only for sum operations)
  • totalRow - (optional) if true, enables generating the footer with total values (false is set by default); if the value is set to "sumOnly", the row with the total row value will be generated (available only for sum operations)
  • cleanRows - (optional) if set to true, the duplicate values in scale columns are hidden in the table view. The default value is false
  • split - (optional) if set to true, fixes the columns from the left, which makes columns static and visible while scrolling; the number of columns that are split is equal to the number of the rows fields that are defined in the config property.

By default, tableShape is undefined, implying that no total row, no total column is present, no templates and marks are applied, the data is shown as a table and not a tree, and left columns are not fixed during scroll.


In the example below we apply the template to the score values to display 2 digits after the decimal point for these values and we add the "€" sign to the price values.

const templates = { price: (v) => (v ? "€" + v : v),
score: (v) => (v ? parseFloat(v).toFixed(2) : v) };

const table = new pivot.Pivot("#root", {
tableShape: {
tree: true,
config: {
rows: ["studio", "genre"],
columns: [],
values: [
field: "title",
method: "count"
field: "score",
method: "max"
field: "price",
method: "count"

Related samples:

Related article: Configuration