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Optional. Defines custom mathematical methods for data aggregation


methods?: {
[method: string]: {
type?: 'number' | 'date' | 'text' | [],
label?: string,
handler?: (values: number[]) => number,
branchMode?: "raw"|"result",
branchMath?: string


Each method is represented by a key-value pair, where the method is the name of a method and the value is an object that describes the method's behavior. Each object has the following parameters:

  • handler - (required for custom methods) a function that calculates an aggregated value from an array of numbers; the function takes an array of values as an input and returns a single value as an output
  • type - (optional) data type this method is suitable for; it can be "number", "date" or "text" or an array of these values
  • label - (optional) the method label to be shown in GUI
  • branchMode - (optional) defines the mode for the calculation of total values for the tree table; the branchMode can be set to raw for calculation based on all raw data; result (default) is set for calculation based on already processed data in the tree mode
  • branchMath - (optional) the name of a method to calculate total values in the tree mode; the same as the method name by default (for "max" method branchMath is also "max")

By default, the methods property is an empty object , which means that no custom methods are defined. There is no limit to the number of sub-properties that can be defined in the methods object.

Predefined methods:

defaultMethods = {
sum: { type: "number", label: "sum" },
min: { type: ["number", "date"], label: "min" },
max: { type: ["number", "date"], label: "max" },
count: {
type: ["number", "date", "text"],
label: "count",
branchMath: "sum"
counta: {
type: ["number", "date", "text"],
label: "counta",
branchMath: "sum"
countunique: {
type: ["number", "text"],
label: "countunique",
branchMath: "sum"
average: { type: "number", label: "average", branchMode: "raw" },
median: { type: "number", label: "median", branchMode: "raw" },
product: { type: "number", label: "product" },
stdev: { type: "number", label: "stdev", branchMode: "raw" },
stdevp: { type: "number", label: "stdevp", branchMode: "raw" },
var: { type: "number", label: "var", branchMode: "raw" },
varp: { type: "number", label: "varp", branchMode: "raw" }

The definition of each method you can see here: Applying methods


The example below shows how to calculate the count of unique and average values for the date type. The countUnique function takes an array of numbers (values) as an input and calculates the exact count of unique values using the reduce method. The countunique_date sub-property has a handler with a function that gets the unique values from an array of the date values. The average_date sub-property has a handler that calculates the average values from an array of the date values.

function countUnique(values, converter) {
const valueMap = {};
return values.reduce((acc, d) => {
if (converter) d = converter(d);
if (!valueMap[d]) {
valueMap[d] = true;
return acc;
}, 0);

const methods = {
countunique_date: {
handler: values => countUnique(values, v => new Date(v).getTime()),
type: "date",
label: "CountUnique"
average_date: {
type: "date",
label: "Average",
branchMode: "raw",
handler: values => {
if (!values.length) return null;
const sum = values.reduce((acc, d) => acc + d.getTime(), 0);
const avgTime = sum / values.length;
return new Date(avgTime);

// show integers for "count" and "unique count" results
const templates = {};
fields.forEach(f => {
if (f.type == "number")
templates[] = (v, method) =>
v && method.indexOf("count") < 0 ? parseFloat(v).toFixed(3) : v;

// date string to Date
const dateFields = fields.filter(f => f.type == "date");
if (dateFields.length) {
dataset.forEach(item => {
dateFields.forEach(f => {
const v = item[];
if (typeof v == "string") item[] = new Date(v);

const table = new pivot.Pivot("#root", {
data: dataset,
tableShape: { templates },
methods: { ...pivot.defaultMethods, ...methods },
rows: ["state"],
columns: [
values: [
field: "sales",
method: "sum"
field: "sales",
method: "count"
field: "date",
method: "countunique_date"
field: "date",
method: "average_date"

Related sample: Pivot 2.0: Custom math methods

Related article: Applying maths methods