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Optional. An array of objects with fields for the Pivot table

The fields property in the configuration object controls how the widget interprets the types of the data fields it receives and allows defining the sorting order for a field.


fields?: [{
id: string,
label?: string,
type: "number" | "date" | "text",
sort?: "asc" | "desc" | ((a: any, b: any) => number)


By default, if the property is not set, the widget automatically analyzes the incoming data and populates the fields object accordingly.

Each object in the fields array should have the following properties:

  • id - (required) the ID of a field
  • label - (optional) the field label to be displayed in GUI
  • type - (required) data type in a field ( "number", "date", or "string")
  • sort - (optional) defines the default sorting order for the field. Accepts "asc", "desc", or a custom sorting function


const table = new pivot.Pivot("#root", {
fields: [
id: "rank",
label: "Rank",
type: "number"
id: "title",
label: "Title",
type: "text"
id: "genre",
label: "Genre",
type: "text"
id: "studio",
label: "Studio",
type: "text"
id: "type",
label: "Type",
type: "text"
id: "score",
label: "Score",
type: "number"
//other fields
config: {
rows: ["studio", "genre"],
columns: [],
values: [
field: "title",
method: "count"
field: "score",
method: "max"