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typeMessage(params: { id: string, mode: number }): void;

The typeMessage method changes the typing state for a given message. This method takes an object with two properties: id and mode.

  • id: The unique identifier for the message.
  • mode: Represents the typing state. Accepts 1 for "typing" and 0 for "not typing."


Set Typing State to Typing

To indicate that a message is currently being typed, use the following snippet:

chat.typeMessage({ id: TID, mode: 1 });
console.log("Typing state changed to 1 for message", TID);

Set Typing State to Not Typing

To indicate that typing has stopped for a message, use the following snippet:

chat.typeMessage({ id: TID, mode: 0 });
console.log("Typing state changed to 0 for message", TID);