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} as ProvideMessagesData);

Provides updated messages to the chat widget.

ProvideMessagesData Properties

  • id (TID): The chat identifier.
  • data (Message[]): Array of message objects to be displayed in the chat.

Message Properties

  • id (TID): The message identifier.
  • role ("agent" | "user"): Specifies the sender of the message, either an agent or a user.
  • content (string): The actual content of the message.
  • typing? (number): Controls the typing animation. Defaults to 0 if not specified.
    • 0: Without typing animation (default).
    • 1: With typing animation, streaming mode.
    • -1: With typing animation, finishing.


Updating Chat with New Messages

id: 'chat1234',
data: [
{ id: 'msg1', role: 'user', content: 'Hello!' },
{ id: 'msg2', role: 'agent', content: 'Hi, how can I assist you today?' }
} as ProvideMessagesData);

This use-case updates the chat with an initial user message followed by an agent's response.

Streaming Mode for Typing Animation

id: 'chat1234',
data: [
{ id: 'msg3', role: 'agent', content: 'Hold on, I am checking...', typing: 1 }
} as ProvideMessagesData);

This use-case updates the chat with an agent message that includes a typing animation in streaming mode.

Finishing Typing Animation

id: 'chat1234',
data: [
{ id: 'msg4', role: 'agent', content: 'The issue has been resolved.', typing: -1 }
} as ProvideMessagesData);

This use-case updates the chat with an agent message that includes a finishing typing animation.