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chat.addChat({ chat: IChat });

The addChat method initializes a new chat within the ChatBot widget. This method is essential for creating agent-based support channels. It requires an object parameter that includes chat details.

IChat Object Properties

  • convert: boolean - Indicates whether the chat should be converted. Default value is false.
  • chat: Chat - Contains chat-specific details like ID, agent ID, theme, and creation date.

Chat Object Properties

  • id: TID - Unique identifier for the chat.
  • agent: TID - Unique identifier for the agent handling the chat.
  • theme: string - Topic or theme of the chat.
  • created: Date - Timestamp indicating when the chat was created.


Basic Chat Initialization

To initialize a chat using the addChat method, supply an IChat object with the required properties. This will create a new chat instance within the widget.

const newChat = {
convert: true,
chat: {
id: "12345",
agent: "agent_01",
theme: "Support Request",
created: new Date()

chat.addChat({ chat: newChat });
console.log("New chat was created",,;

In this example, a new chat is created with the ID "12345" and theme "Support Request". The chat is assigned to the agent with ID "agent_01". The creation date is the current date and time. The convert property is set to true.