Loading data
The following information can be loaded into Booking:
- an array of objects containing cards data
You can prepare data in a separate file. Here is an example of an appropriate data set:
const data = [
id: "ee828b5d-a034-420c-889b-978840015d6a",
title: "Natalie Tyson",
category: "Therapist",
subtitle: "2 years of experience",
details: "Cleveland Clinic\n9500 Euclid Ave",
preview: "https://snippet.dhtmlx.com/codebase/data/booking/01/img/01.jpg",
price: "$35",
review: {
stars: 4,
count: 120
slots: [
from: 9, to: 20,
days: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
from: 10, to: 18,
days: [6, 0]
id: "5c9b64ad-1830-4e5b-a5f9-8acea10706df",
title: "James Anderson",
category: "Allergist",
subtitle: "3 years of experience",
details: "UCLA Medical Center\n57 Westwood Plaza",
preview: "https://snippet.dhtmlx.com/codebase/data/booking/01/img/11.jpg",
price: "$30",
review: {
stars: 4,
count: 64
slotSize: 45,
slotGap: 10,
slots: [
from: "9:15", to: 17,
days: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
id: "9b037564-77be-429f-b719-eebbe499027a",
title: "Emma Johnson",
category: "Cardiologist",
subtitle: "2 years of experience",
details: "Stanford Health Care\n1468 Madison Ave",
preview: "https://snippet.dhtmlx.com/codebase/data/booking/01/img/03.jpg",
price: "$25",
review: {
stars: 5,
count: 10
slots: [
from: 14, to: 17,
size: 30, gap: 10
from: 12, to: 19,
size: 50, gap: 20,
days: [2], dates: [getDate(0)]
from: "18:30", to: 20,
size: 20, gap: 20,
days: [3, 4, 5]
usedSlots: [getDate(0, 12), getDate(0, 18)]
You can load JSON data into Booking from an external file or the server-side script after the component has been initialized.
To load local data from a separate file, first prepare the source file with data.
function getData() {
return {
const data = [
id: "ee828b5d-a034-420c-889b-978840015d6a",
title: "Natalie Tyson",
category: "Therapist",
subtitle: "2 years of experience",
details: "Cleveland Clinic\n9500 Euclid Ave",
preview: "https://snippet.dhtmlx.com/codebase/data/booking/01/img/01.jpg",
price: "$35",
review: {
stars: 4,
count: 120
slots: [
from: 9, to: 20,
days: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
from: 10, to: 18,
days: [6, 0]
//other data
const cardShape = {
preview: true,
review: true,
category: true,
title: true,
subtitle: true,
price: true,
details: true
Second, add the path to the source data file:
<script type="text/javascript" src="./dist/booking.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./dist/booking.css">
<script src="./common/data.js"></script>
Create Booking and load data:
const { data } = getData();
const booking = new booking.Booking("#root", { data });
About loading data from the server, refer to Working with server
Related articles:
- confirm-slot event
- setConfig() method
- setConfirmHandler() method
- Saving slots reservations to the server