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Shape properties


While specifying color values of the item, use the HEX format.

Common properties


const data = [
// shape object
type: string,
id?: string | number,
x?: number, // required in the default mode of Diagram
y?: number, // required in the default mode of Diagram
text?: string,
editable?: boolean, // true by default
height?: number,
width?: number,
fixed?: boolean, // false by default
hidden?: boolean
// more shape objects


Each shape object can include the following properties:

  • type - (required) the type of the shape (by default: "rectangle" in the default mode, "card" in the org chart mode, "topic" in the mindmap mode)
  • id - (optional) the unique id of a shape
  • x - (optional) the x coordinate of the shape position. The property is required in the default mode of Diagram
  • y - (optional) the y coordinate of the shape position. The property is required in the default mode of Diagram
  • text - (optional) the text to be rendered in a shape
  • editable - (optional) enables/disables the ability to edit the text of the shape by double-clicking on it; true by default.
    The property is not available for a custom shape.
  • height - (optional) the height of a shape
  • width - (optional) the width of a shape
  • fixed - (optional) enables/disables movement and resizing of a shape, false by default
  • hidden - (optional) defines, whether a shape will be hidden

The values of the height and width are calculated automatically for a "text"/"topic" shape, depending on the content of the shape.

Custom properties


const data = [
// shape object
// ... common properties
[key: string]?: any, // custom property
// ... more custom properties
// more shape objects


When preparing a data set for a custom shape, you can add any custom properties to the configuration object of a shape:

  • key - (optional) a custom property for a custom shape. For details, check the Custom shape article.
    Use unique names as names for custom properties. Overriding the internal properties of the diagram shape object is forbidden as it causes the incorrect work of the diagram and its editor.


const data = [
"id": "main",
"name": "Kristin Mccoy",
"post": "Medical director",
"phone": "(405) 555-0128",
"mail": "",
"photo": "../img/avatar-01.jpg"

Properties specific for the default mode


const data = [
// shape object
// ... common properties
angle?: number,

preview?: string,
// or
preview?: {
img?: string,
width?: number | string,
height?: number | string,
gap?: number | string,
scale?: number
// more shape objects


When preparing a data set for shapes to load into the diagram in the default mode, you can add the following properties to the configuration object of a shape:

  • angle - (optional) the angle of shape rotation
  • preview - (optional) either a path to the image/a base64 image or an object with settings to configure the shape preview displayed in the shapebar of the editor. As an object, the property can contain a set of optional properties:
    • img - (optional) a path to the image or a base64 image
    • width - (optional) the width of the image
    • height - (optional) the height of the image
    • gap - (optional) sets the value of the gap attribute of the preview property for the specified type of a shape
    • scale - (optional) sets the value of the scale attribute of the preview property for the specified type of a shape

    The scale property can't be applied together with the img, width, height properties


const data = [
{ id: 1, x: 280, y: 0, text: "Start", type: "start", angle: 10 }

Properties specific for the org chart mode


const data = [
// shape object
// ... common properties
parent?: string | number,
dx?: number,
dy?: number,
dir?: string,
open?: boolean, // true by default
assistant?: boolean,
partner?: boolean,
catchItem?: boolean,
giveItem?: boolean

// more shape objects


When preparing a data set for shapes to load into the diagram in the org chart mode, you can add the following properties to the configuration object of a shape:

  • parent - (optional) the id of the parent shape
  • dx - (optional) the left offset of the shape
  • dy - (optional) the top offset of the shape
  • dir - (optional) the direction of shapes connecting. To connect shapes vertically, set the attribute to the "vertical" value
  • open - (optional) defines, whether the child items of the current shape will be shown; true by default
  • assistant - (optional) defines, whether the shape is an assistant item for the parent shape
  • partner - (optional) defines, whether the shape is a partner item for the parent shape
  • catchItem - (optional) defines, whether the item can catch the moving item
  • giveItem - (optional) defines, whether the item can be moved


const data = [
"id": "1",
"text": "item 1",
"id": "2",
"text": "item 2",
"parent": "1",
"dir": "vertical"
"id": "1.1",
"text": "assistant for 1",
"parent": "1",
"assistant": true
"id": "1.2",
"text": "partner for 1",
"parent": "1",
"partner": true

Related sample: Diagram. Org chart mode. Nested vertical lists

Properties specific for the mindmap mode


const data = [
// shape object
// ... common properties
parent?: string | number,
dx?: number,
dy?: number,
open?: boolean, // true by default
left?: boolean,
right?: boolean
catchItem?: boolean,
giveItem?: boolean
// more shape objects


When preparing a data set for shapes to load into the diagram in the mindmap mode, you can add the following properties to the configuration object of a shape:

  • parent - (optional) the id of the parent shape
  • dx - (optional) the left offset of the shape
  • dy - (optional) the top offset of the shape
  • open - (optional) defines, whether the child items of the current shape will be shown; true by default
  • openDir - (optional) shows/hides the child items of the root shape. The object takes two attributes:
    • left - (optional) shows/hides the child items to the left of the root shape
    • right - (optional) shows/hides the child items to the right of the root shape
  • catchItem - (optional) defines, whether the item can catch the moving item
  • giveItem - (optional) defines, whether the item can be moved

Related sample: Diagram editor. Mindmap mode. Emotions mind map


const data = [
id: "1",
text: "main",
openDir: {
left: true,
right: false
id: "2",
text: "2",
parent: "1",
giveItem: false
id: "3",
text: "3",
parent: "1",
catchItem: false
id: "4",
text: "4",
parent: "1"

Properties specific for "text", "topic" and flow chart shapes


const data = [
// shape object
// ... common properties
fill?: string,
stroke?: string,
strokeWidth?: number, // 1 by default
strokeType?: "line" | "dash", // "line" by default
strokeDash?: string,
fontColor?: string,
fontStyle?: "normal" | "italic" | "oblique", // "normal" by default
fontWeight?: string, // "normal" by default
fontSize?: number, // 14 by default
textAlign?: "left" | "center" | "right", // "center" by default
textVerticalAlign?: "top" | "center" | "bottom", // "center" by default
lineHeight?: number // 14 by default
// more shape objects


When preparing a data set for "text", "topic" and flow chart shapes, you can add the following properties to the configuration object of a shape:

  • fill - (optional) the color of the shape
  • stroke - (optional) the color of the shape outline
  • strokeWidth - (optional) the width of the shape outline, 1 by default
  • strokeType - (optional) the type of the stroke outline, "line" (default), "dash" for a dashed line
  • strokeDash - (optional) the pattern of dashes and spaces for a dashed outline
  • fontColor - (optional) the color of the text font
  • fontStyle - (optional) the style of the text font, can be "normal" (default), "italic" or "oblique"
  • fontWeight - (optional) the text font weight, possible values are: "normal" (default), "bold", "bolder", "lighter", values "100"-"900", where "400" is the same as normal, and "600"+ is the boldest font
  • fontSize - (optional) the size of the font in pixels, 14 by default
  • textAlign - (optional) the alignment of text in a shape: "left", "center"(default), "right"
  • textVerticalAlign - (optional) the vertical alignment of text in a shape:"top","center"(default),"bottom"
  • lineHeight - (optional) the height of a line, 14 by default


const data = [
"id": "u1585139915192",
"type": "text",
"x": 25,
"y": 280,
"text": "Investment decision",
"width": 150,
"height": 16,
"lineHeight": 14,
"fontSize": "16",
"fontColor": "rgba(0,0,0,0.70)"

Properties specific for "card" shapes


const data = [
// shape object
// ... common properties
headerColor?: string
// more shape objects


When preparing a data set for "card" shapes, you can add the following properties to the configuration object of a shape:

  • headerColor - (optional) the color of the header of the shape


const data = [
"id": 1,
"type": "card",
"text": "item: 1",
"id": 2,
"type": "card",
"text": "item: 2",
"parent": 1,
"headerColor": "#5874CD"

Properties specific for "img-card" shapes


const data = [
// shape object
// ... common properties
img?: string,
title?: string,
headerColor?: string
// more shape objects


When preparing a data set for "img-card" shapes, you can add the following properties to the configuration object of a shape:

  • img - (optional) the image of a shape
  • title - (optional) the title of a shape
  • headerColor - (optional) the color of the header of the shape


const data = [
"id": "1",
"type": "img-card",
"text": "Chairman & CEO",
"title": "Henry Bennett",
"img": "../img/avatar-01.png",
"headerColor": ""
"id": "2",
"type": "img-card",
"text": "QA Lead",
"title": "Emma Lynch",
"img": "../img/avatar-02.png",
"parent": "1",
"headerColor": "#5874CD"

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