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You can localize all labels in the interface of JavaScript Pivot. For this purpose you need to create a new locale or modify a built-in one and apply it to Pivot.

Default locale

The English locale is applied by default:

const en = {
pivot: {
sum: "Sum",
min: "Min",
max: "Max",
count: "Count",
counta: "CountA",
countunique: "CountUnique",
average: "Average",
median: "Median",
product: "Product",
stdev: "StDev",
stdevp: "StDevP",
var: "Var",
varp: "VarP",
"Raw date": "Raw date",
"Raw number": "Raw number",
"Raw text": "Raw text",
Year: "Year",
Month: "Month",
Day: "Day",
Hour: "Hour",
Minute: "Minute",
Total: "Total",
Values: "Values",
Rows: "Rows",
Columns: "Columns",
"Click on the plus icon(s) to add data":
"Click on the plus icon(s) to add data",
'Click on "Show settings" to see the available configuration options':
'Click on "Show settings" to see the available configuration options',
"Show settings": "Show settings",
"Hide settings": "Hide settings"

query: {
"Add filter": "Add filter",
"Add Filter": "Add Filter",
"Add Group": "Add Group",
Edit: "Edit",
Delete: "Delete",

"Select all": "Select all",
"Unselect all": "Unselect all",

Cancel: "Cancel",
Apply: "Apply",

and: "and",
or: "or",
in: "in",

equal: "equal",
"not equal": "not equal",
contains: "contains",
"not contains": "not contains",
"begins with": "begins with",
"not begins with": "not begins with",
"ends with": "ends with",
"not ends with": "not ends with",

greater: "greater",
"greater or equal": "greater or equal",
less: "less",
"less or equal": "less or equal",
between: "between",
"not between": "not between"

calendar: {
monthFull: [
monthShort: [

dayFull: [

dayShort: ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"],
hours: "Hours",
minutes: "Minutes",
done: "Done",
clear: "Clear",
today: "Today",
am: ["am", "AM"],
pm: ["pm", "PM"],

weekStart: 7,
clockFormat: 24,

core: {
select: "Select",
"No data": "No data"

formats: {
dateFormat: "%d.%m.%Y",
timeFormat: "%H:%i"

lang: "en-US",

Applying locales

You can access built-in locales via the pivot object. Pivot provides three built-in locales: en, de, cn.


new pivot.Pivot({
// other properties

To apply a custom locale, you need to:

  • create a custom locale object (or modify the default one) and provide translations for all text labels (it can be any language you need)
  • apply the new locale to Pivot via its locale property or use the setLocale() method
// create Pivot
const widget = new pivot.Pivot("#root", {
//other configuration properties

const ko = {...} //object with locale


In this snippet you can see how to switch between several locales: