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View Configuration

The DHTMLX Event Calendar provides six built-in views: day, week, month, year, agenda, and timeline. To configure these views, use the config.views property. You can flexible navigate between these views dynamically.

Each view requires three essential properties:

  • id - the view id used for programmatic access
  • label - the label displayed in the change view control
  • layout - the predefined layout of the view mode. Here you can specify the following values: "year" | "month" | "week" | "day" | "agenda" | "timeline"
const calendar = new eventCalendar.EventCalendar("#root", {
config: {
views: [
id: "week",
label: "Week",
layout: "week"
id: "day",
label: "Day",
layout: "day"
id: "month",
label: "Month",
layout: "month"
id: "year",
label: "Year",
layout: "year"
id: "agenda",
label: "Agenda",
layout: "agenda"
events: [/* event data */],
date: new Date()

By default, the available view controls are displayed in the top-right part of the user interface. View controls appear in the order they are defined in the views configuration array. You can use the config.viewControl property to change the appearance of a view control.

Optionally, each view can accept it's own config object with extra settings, that allow you to configure a view:

const calendar = new eventCalendar.EventCalendar("#root", {
config: {
views: [
id: "day",
label: "Day",
layout: "day",
config: [
timeRange: [8, 17]
events: [],
date: new Date()

Settings that should be applied to multiple views can be specified at the global config:

const calendar = new eventCalendar.EventCalendar("#root", {
config: {
timeRange: [8, 17],
views: [
id: "day",
label: "Day",
layout: "day"
id: "week",
label: "Week",
layout: "week"
events: [/* event data */],
date: new Date()

And vice-versa, view-level settings can override the global config:

const calendar = new eventCalendar.EventCalendar("#root", {
config: {
timeRange: [8, 17],
views: [
id: "day",
label: "Day",
layout: "day"
id: "week",
label: "Week",
layout: "week",
config: {
readonly: true,
timeRange: [0,24]
events: [],
date: new Date()

For more details about the config object, please refer to the Configuration Guide.

Built-in Views

Below is the detailed list of default views, including their configuration options.


The Day view shows events for a single day.

Short configuration

config: {
views: [
{ id: "day", label: "Day", layout: "day" }

Extended configuration

config: {
views: [
id: "day",
label: "Day",
layout: "day",
config: {
dateTitle?: (currentDate: Date, bounds: [Date, Date]) => string;
getBounds?: (date: Date, config: Config) => [Date, Date];
getNext?: (date: Date, config: Config) => Date;
getPrev?: (date: Date, config: Config) => Date;

cellCss?: (date: Date) => string;
template?: (event: Event) => string;

eventHeight?: number;
timeRange?: [number, number];
timeStep?: number;
eventsOverlay?: false;
eventVerticalSpace?: number;
eventHorizontalSpace?: string;
columnPadding?: string;
weekStartsOn?: number;

You can find more detailed description of the configuration object here.


The Week view displays events for the entire week.

Short configuration

config: {
views: [
{ id: "week", label: "Week", layout: "week" }

Extended configuration

config: {
views: [
id: "week",
label: "Week",
layout: "week",
config: {
dateTitle?: (currentDate: Date, bounds: [Date, Date]) => string;
getBounds?: (date: Date, config: Config) => [Date, Date];
getNext?: (date: Date, config: Config) => Date;
getPrev?: (date: Date, config: Config) => Date;

cellCss?: (date: Date) => string;
template?: (event: Event) => string;

eventHeight?: number;
timeRange?: [number, number];
timeStep?: number;
eventsOverlay?: false;
eventVerticalSpace?: number;
eventHorizontalSpace?: string;
columnPadding?: string;
weekStartsOn?: number;

You can find more detailed description of the configuration object here.


The Month view displays events for the entire month.

Short configuration

config: {
views: [
{ id: "month", label: "Month", layout: "month" }

Extended configuration

config: {
views: [
id: "month",
label: "Month",
layout: "month",
config: {
dateTitle?: (currentDate: Date, bounds: [Date, Date]) => string;
getBounds?: (date: Date, config: Config) => [Date, Date];
getNext?: (date: Date, config: Config) => Date;
getPrev?: (date: Date, config: Config) => Date;

weekStartsOn?: number;
maxEventsPerCell?: number;
eventVerticalSpace?: number;

You can find more detailed description of the configuration object here.


The Year view displays events for the entire year.

Short configuration

config: {
views: [
{ id: "year", label: "Year", layout: "year" }

Extended configuration

config: {
views: [
id: "year",
label: "Year",
layout: "year",
config: {
dateTitle?: (currentDate: Date, bounds: [Date, Date]) => string;
getBounds?: (date: Date, config: Config) => [Date, Date];
getNext?: (date: Date, config: Config) => Date;
getPrev?: (date: Date, config: Config) => Date;

You can find more detailed description of the configuration object here.


The Agenda view lists upcoming events starting from the current date.

Short configuration

config: {
views: [
{ id: "agenda", label: "Agenda", layout: "agenda" }

Extended configuration

config: {
views: [
id: "agenda",
label: "Agenda",
layout: "agenda",
config: {
dateTitle?: (currentDate: Date, bounds: [Date, Date]) => string;
getBounds?: (date: Date, config: Config) => [Date, Date];
getNext?: (date: Date, config: Config) => Date;
getPrev?: (date: Date, config: Config) => Date;

You can find more detailed description of the configuration object here.


The Timeline view is ideal for visualizing events across multiple resources or time units.

Short configuration

config: {
views: [
{ id: "timeline", label: "Timeline", layout: "timeline" }

Extended configuration

config: {
views: [
id: "timeline",
label: "Timeline",
layout: "timeline",
config: {
dateTitle?: (currentDate: Date, bounds: [Date, Date]) => string;
getBounds?: (date: Date, config: Config) => [Date, Date];
getNext?: (date: Date, config: Config) => Date;
getPrev?: (date: Date, config: Config) => Date;

colsCount?: number;
colsWidth?: number;
minEventWidth?: number;
eventVerticalSpace?: number;
minSectionHeight?: number;
sectionWidth?: number;
step?: [number, "day" | "week" | "month" | "year" | "hour" | "minute"];
header?: ITimelineHeader[];
sections?: ISection[];
key?: string;
unassignedCol?: boolean;

Where ITimelineHeader and ISection are defined as following:

export interface ITimelineHeader {
unit: string;
format: string;
step: number;

export interface ISection {
id: TID;
label?: string;
[key: string]: any;

You can find more detailed description of the configuration object here.

Custom Views

Custom views can be created by extending one of the built-in views and overriding its configuration.

A fundamental customization available for all views. This is achieved by defining the getBounds, getNext, and getPrev properties within the views config:

  • getBounds?: (date: Date, config: Config) => [Date, Date] - this function takes a date and returns an array with two dates that define the time range to be displayed in the view..
  • getNext?: (date: Date, config: Config) => Date - this function is triggered when the user clicks the "Next" button in the calendar header to move to the next interval. It takes the current date of the Event Calendar as an argument and must return the start date of the next interval.
  • getPrev?: (date: Date, config: Config) => Date - this function is triggered when the user clicks the "Previous" button in the calendar header to move to the previous interval. It takes the current date of the Event Calendar as an argument and must return the start date of the previous interval.

The result of the getNext and getPrev functions is passed to the getBounds method to calculate the new interval.

In all cases, the config of the view is passed as the second argument to these functions, allowing for more flexible and context-aware customizations.

For example, you can create a custom 5-day view by taking the week base view and redefining the getBounds method. This method adjusts the displayed range to only show Monday to Friday.

const { dateFns, EventCalendar } = eventCalendar;
const calendar = new EventCalendar("#root", {
config: {
views: [
id: "custom-week",
label: "Custom Week",
layout: "week",
config: {
getBounds: (date) => {
const start = dateFns.startOfWeek(date, { weekStartsOn: 1 });
return [start, dateFns.addDays(start, 4)];
mode: "custom-week",
date: new Date("2025-02-12T00:00:00")

Related sample: Event Calendar. 5-Day Workweek View

Note that we didn't redefine the getNext() and getPrev() methods. This is because the default behavior of the base week view works seamlessly, moving forward or backward by one week. If you need to implement custom navigation behavior, you can override these methods.

Consider another example, Two-Week View with the appropriate navigation step. In this case you need to override the navigation methods (getNext() and getPrev()) in addition to getBounds().

const { dateFns, EventCalendar } = eventCalendar;
const calendar = new EventCalendar("#root", {
config: {
views: [
id: "two-weeks",
label: "Two Weeks",
layout: "week",
config: {
getBounds: (date) => {
const start = dateFns.startOfWeek(date);
return [start, dateFns.addDays(start, 13)];
getNext: (date) => dateFns.addDays(date, 14),
getPrev: (date) => dateFns.addDays(date, -14)
mode: "two-weeks",
date: new Date("2025-02-12T00:00:00")

Related sample: Event Calendar. 2-Week View

Customizing the Agenda view

By default, the Agenda view displays upcoming events starting from the active date. You can redefine this behavior to display events for an entire month, with navigation moving one month at a time.

const { dateFns, EventCalendar } = eventCalendar;
const calendar = new EventCalendar("#root", {
config: {
views: [
id: "agenda-month",
label: "Monthly Agenda",
layout: "agenda",
config: {
dateTitle: (date) => dateFns.format(date, "MMMM yyyy"),
getBounds: (date) => {
const start = dateFns.startOfMonth(date);
return [start, dateFns.endOfMonth(start)];
getNext: (date) => dateFns.addMonths(date, 1),
getPrev: (date) => dateFns.addMonths(date, -1)
mode: "agenda",
date: new Date("2025-02-12T00:00:00")

Related sample: Event Calendar. Customized Agenda View

Customizing the Timeline view

The Timeline view can be customized to show data at finer time intervals. For instance, you can create a timeline that breaks the day into hours and groups events by sections.

const calendar = new EventCalendar("#root", {
config: {
views: [
id: "hour_timeline",
label: "Hour Timeline",
layout: "timeline",
config: {
unassignedCol: true,
key: "sectionId",
sections: [
{ id: "1", label: "Section 1" },
{ id: "2", label: "Section 2" }
step: [1, "hour"], // Hourly steps
header: [
{ unit: "day", step: 1, format: "d MMM" },
{ unit: "hour", step: 1, format: "H" }
mode: "hour_timeline",
date: new Date("2025-02-12T00:00:00")

Related sample: Event Calendar. Customized Timeline View