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Optional. An array of objects containing the events data


events?: [
start_date: Date,
end_date: Date,
allDay?: boolean,
id?: string | number,
type?: string | number,
text?: string,
details?: string,
dragResize?: boolean,
readonly?: boolean,
dragMove?: boolean,
recurringEventId?: string | number,
originalStartTime?: Date,
status?: string,
color?: {
background?: string,
border?: string,
textColor?: string
RRULE?: string,
STDATE?: Date,
DTEND?: Date,
recurring?: boolean,
[custom_key: string]?: any
}, {...} // other events data


For each event you can specify the following parameters (data):

  • start_date - (required) a start date of the event
  • end_date - (required) an end date of the event
  • allDay - (optional) enables/disables the event duration throughout the day

If the allDay parameter is set to true, the start_date and end_date parameters of the event will be ignored!

  • id - (optional) an ID of the event

If there are multiple events with the same id, the calendar will drop an error as soon as it finds a duplicated id. It is expected that each event has its own unique id, or that the id is not specified (and then the calendar will generate its own id).

  • type - (optional) a type (calendar) of the event
  • text - (optional) a label of the event
  • details - (optional) details of the event
  • dragResize - (optional) enables/disables an ability to resize the event via d-n-d
  • readonly - (optional) enables/disables an ability to perform all the event's operations
  • dragMove - (optional) enables/disables an ability to move the event via d-n-d
  • recurringEventId - (optional) an ID of the original series
  • originalStartTime - (optional) a time where the event was before changes
  • status - (optional) a status of event, that was deleted from series. After deleting an event, the status is "cancelled"
  • color - (optional) an object with the style parameters of the event. Here you can specify the following parameters (styles):
    • background - (optional) a HEX code of the event background color
    • border - (optional) a HEX code of the event border color
    • textColor - (optional) a HEX code of the event text color
  • RRULE - (optional) a string that defines a rule for a recurring event. You can read more about recurrence rules here
  • STDATE - (optional) a start date of the period the event is repeated
  • DTEND - (optional) an end date of the period the event is repeated
  • recurring - (optional) enables/disables an ability to repeat the event
  • custom_key - (optional) a custom key of the event

The STDATE, DTEND and recurring fields generated automatically. We don't recommend to change these fields, to avoid unpredictable mistakes


To set the events data dynamically, you can use the parse() and setConfig() methods. You can also update the event data using the updateEvent() method.


// create Event Calendar
new eventCalendar.EventCalendar("#root", {
events: [
start_date: new Date("2023-01-27T15:10:00"),
end_date: new Date("2023-01-27T15:12:00"),
allDay: false,
id: "1",
type: "work",
text: "Current event",
details: "Philippe-Chatrier Court\n Paris, FRA",
dragResize: true,
readonly: false,
dragMove: true,
color: {
background: "#EDD1EC",
border: "#AD44AB",
textColor: "#3e98db"
recurring: true,
STDATE: new Date("2023-01-27T15:00:00"),
DTEND: new Date("2023-06-27T15:00:00"),
custom_key: "Custom key of the event"
// other events data
// other configuration parameters

Change log: The recurringEventId, originalStartTime and status parameters were added in v2.2