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Adds the specified item into the selection list


id: string | number,
join?: boolean,
batch?: (string | number)[]
}): boolean;


The method takes as an argument an object with the following parameters:

  • id - (required) the id of an item
  • join - (optional) the mode of adding the selected element to the selection list. In case the parameter is set to false or isn't passed, the items previously added into the selection list will be reset
  • batch - (optional) the list of items to select (if known beforehand)


The method returns:

  • true if the element hadn't been in the selection list and was successfully added into it
  • false if the element wasn't added into the selection list by some reason, e.g. an element had already been added to the selection list


// a diagram must be created with the "select:true" option
const diagram = new dhx.Diagram("diagram_container", {
select: true
// loading data;

diagram.selection.add({ id: "1" }); // -> returns true if the item has been selected
console.log(diagram.selection.getIds()); // -> ["1"]

// adds the item with the id:"2" to the already selected items
diagram.selection.add({ id: "2", join: true });
console.log(diagram.selection.getIds()); // -> ["1", "2"]

// removes the previously selected items and adds the item with the id:"3"
diagram.selection.add({ id: "3" });
console.log(diagram.selection.getIds()); // -> ["3"]

Change log: Updated in v6.0

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Related samples: Diagram. Selection. Item selection