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Optional. An object of settings for managing the filter functionality


filterShape?: {
global?: boolean,
date?: boolean,
time?: boolean | [
from: number,
to: number,
label: string,
config?: {
debounce: number,


  • global - (optional) shows/hides the first search field
  • date - (optional) shows/hides the date field
  • time - (optional) shows/hides the time field. If set to true, it takes an array of objects with time options for a slot. For each object you can specify the following parameters:
    • from - (optional) a start time
    • to - (optional) an end time
    • label - (optional) a time period label. If the time parameters are not set, the default values are applied:
      { from: 8, to: 12, label: "Morning" },
      { from: 12, to: 17, label: "Afternoon" },
      { from: 17, to: 20, label: "Evening" },
  • config - (optional) an object with the additional configuration parameters:
    • debounce - (optional) the time delay (in milliseconds) before sending an input to the server

Default config

const defaultFilterShape = {


const filterShape = {
global: true,
date: false,
time: [
{ from: 8, to: 11, label: "Morning" },
{ from: 12, to: 16, label: "Afternoon" },
{ from: 17, to: 20, label: "Evening" },
config: {
debounce: 100,

new booking.Booking("#root", {
// other parameters

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