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Optional. An object of settings for managing appearance of the information blocks


cardShape?: {
category?: boolean,
details?: boolean,
preview?: boolean,
price?: boolean,
review?: boolean,
subtitle?: boolean,
title?: boolean,


To configure the card appearance, in the cardShape object you can specify the following parameters (fields):

  • category - (optional) shows/hides a booking category name
  • details - (optional) shows/hides a booking detail information
  • preview - (optional) shows/hides a booking preview image
  • price - (optional) shows/hides a booking price
  • review - (optional) shows/hides a booking rating information
  • subtitle - (optional) shows/hides a booking subtitle
  • title - (optional) shows/hides a booking title

Default config

const defaultCardShape = {
category: true,
details: true,
preview: true,
price: true,
review: true,
subtitle: false,
title: true,


const cardShape = {
preview: true,
review: false,
category: true,
title: true,
subtitle: false,
price: true,
details: false,

new booking.Booking("#root", {
// other parameters

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