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API overview

Booking constructor

new booking.Booking("#root", {
// initial configuration parameters


  • an HTML container (the ID of the HTML container)
  • an object of the configuration parameters (check here)

Booking methods

METHOD_TEMPLATE()short description...

Booking internal API

Event Bus methods

api.exec()Allows triggering the inner events
api.intercept()Allows intercepting and preventing the inner events
api.on() ?Allows attaching a handler to the inner events
api.setNext()Allows adding some action into the Event Bus order

State methods

api.getReactiveState()Gets an object with the reactive properties of Booking
api.getState()Gets an object with the StateStore properties of Booking

RestDataProvider methods

INNER_METHOD_TEMPLATE()short description...

Booking events

confirm-slotFires when confirming the booking of a slot
select-slotFires when selecting a slot
set-filterFires when filtering cards

Booking properties

cardsOptional. An array of objects containing the cards data
cardShapeOptional. An object of settings for managing appearance of the information blocks
filteredCardsOptional. An array of objects containing the filtered cards data
filterShapeOptional. An object of settings for managing the filter functionality
formShapeOptional. An array of objects containing settings for managing the appearance and functionality of the Reservation editor
infoShapeOptional. An object with settings for managing the information block appearance